How many hours do we have to upload a child to the ETO?
2 hrs
Who is responsible of doing IRS?
When assigned to supervise a child with High Risk status, how close to them are you required to be?
6 feet
What is the maximum amount of time you can spend inside a bedroom during Bed Checks without a witness?
15 sec.
TRUE or FALSE: a child can be placed on Run Risk status during intake.
What is the name of the paper SL receive when new children arrive to the facility.
Notice to appear
What age range can youth be roomed together?
_________ Is?
describes the type of relationship you should have with the children in your care.
TRUE or FALSE: ratio requirements don't change when taking children on outings or field trips.
Are we allowed sign for the child?
How many hrs do we have to do an IR?
Does a SL have to sign off on the IR?
24 hr.
yes, when its behavioral, and not informational.
If you offer food to SL Abraham, will he say yes or no?
No Yo no quiero comida, estoy a dieta.
True or false:SS is responsible for supervising the youth residing in Southwest Key Programs (SWK) care fostering an environment that facilitates learning and behavioral management in a supportive manner.
The Youth Care Worker (YCW) is responsible for providing direct care supervision for youth residing in Southwest Key Programs (SWK) care fostering an environment that facilitates learning and behavioral management in a supportivemanner. The Youth Care Worker will maintain a flexible, organized, and efficient work schedule.
What are the Abbreviation for "FMLA"
Family and Medical Leave Act
Can a YCW receive a youth in touchdown?
How do we keep track if youth has lost a privilege?
We check in ETO under his name if he has another for the same reason.
Where are the EPP located?
Bld 8
Process of youth Rec outing...
1.Verified youth from list
2.Check with medical
3.Gather any lunch or snack
4.Write clothes items
5.Sign security form
6.SL will check and open gate
What is the mission of Southwest key?
Opening doors to opportunities so individuals can achieve their dreams.
What do we do if a child brings a vape?
Call SL, explain that we cannot save that item in his maleta and we have to throw it away? Who do we call?
What are the 5 types of incidents that can be recorded in an IR?
Informational, Medical, Inappropriate Behavior, Desctruction of Property, Client missed meal.
Quien va ganar el domingo????
Monterrey O America
Provide 10 Categories of Close Observation
1.Possible Adult 2. Behavioral concerns 3. Sleep Log 4. food log
5. Inappropriate Behavior 6. self-harm 7. Suicidal
8. IDENTITY CONCERN 9. Run risk 10. Medical
The Progressive Disciplinary Process is conducted in the following Steps:
1.Coaching for success
2. Verbal Warning
3. Written counseling
4. Decision Day