25 questions / A B C D E 1 similar game
25 questions / INF, Past Simple or Past Participle? Give the rest of the forms. Meaning?? Put in the verbs in the correct forms. Meaning?? Random Find the regular verb in each line Form the Simple Past and Past Participle of the given verbs. Meaning??
25 questions / Find the irregular verb Find the regular verb Past Simple 1 Past Participle 2 Past Simple 2 2 similar games
20 questions / Find the Irregular Verb Find the Regular Verb Present Tense Past Simple
25 questions / Find the Irregular Verb Find the Regular Verb Base Verb Form Past Simple More Simple Past Tense
25 questions / 1) Find the Irregular Verb 2) Find the Regular Verb 3) Present Tense 4) Past Simple 5) ed sound
25 questions / Find the irregular verb Find the regular verb Infinitive Write a sentence with the past tense of... Past participle
25 questions / Simple Past Present Perfect Simple Past vs Present Perfect Simple Past Present Perfect
25 questions / Past Simple Regular and Irregular Forming sentences Word scramble Mixed 1 similar game
25 questions / Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Find the simple past in the sentence Complete the sentence - irregular verbs Creating negative sentences
25 questions / Basic Knowledge Linking & Helping Transitive and Intransitive Tenses Regular and Irregular
25 questions / 1) Irregular Verb 2) Regular Verb 3) Articles 4) Matching Vowels 5) Compound Sentences
25 questions / Fill the gaps What does it mean? All the columns Story time! In order, please
20 questions / Present simple tense Regular and irregular verbs Past simple tense Verb? Adjective or Noun?
25 questions / Vocabulary Past tense verb rules Conjugate that verb past tense! Conjugate that verb past tense(2)! Conjugate that verb present tense!
25 questions / Types/True or False Past Tense Past Participle Past Participle Past Participle
25 questions / Past Participle Sentences 1 RANDOM Sentences 2 Rules
25 questions / English Tenses Pronouns Articles Verbs Do vs Make
25 questions / Type of words in a sentence Action verbs Types of sentence Verb Tenses Nouns or pronouns
20 questions / Irregular vs. Regular Verbs Transition words Comma vs. Semicolon Random
20 questions / Irregular Irregular Past simple sentences MIX sentences