42 questions / 7th Grade Math 7th Grade Science 7th Grade ELA 7th Grade History 7th Grade Random 7th grade
30 questions / 3rd Grade Grammar 3rd Grade Writing 3rd grade RANDOM 3rd Grade Spelling 3rd Grade Reading
24 questions / Solve Equations Word problems Write inequalities from word problems Write Equations Write equations from word problems
25 questions / Adding Subtraction Multiplication Division Random
12 questions / Multiple Choice Word Problems Long Division Expressions
20 questions / Ratios Unit Rate Rates Speed
25 questions / Society and Culture Technology Geography Government Vocabulary
25 questions / Indus Valley Hinduism Buddhism Ancient Indian Empires Hodgepodge
25 questions / A. Animals (Japanese OK) B. Anagrams (English only) C. Prefecture (Japanese OK) D. Country (English only) E. Dates/Holidays (English Only)
16 questions / Comparing Rates Dividing Fractions Algebraic expressions Magic tricks!
25 questions / English to Japanese Unit 1 and 2 Unit 3 and 4 Unit 5 and 6 Unit 7 and 8
25 questions / The Spanish War of Independence After the Spanish War of Independence The 2nd Half of the 19th Century Artistic movements Social Changes
25 questions / Weather (Wetter) General German Knowledge Numbers (Zahlen) Animals (Tiere) Vokabeln (vocab)
25 questions / Social Skills Emotions Communication Coping Skills Riddles
25 questions / Vocabulary Parts of Speech Mr. Conway Text Structure Figurative Language
20 questions / Multiplying Fractions Multiplying Mixed Numbers Estimating Products Problem-Solving
25 questions / Subject pronouns El vs. la Plural nouns Indefinite vs. Definite Rules
25 questions / Brain Science Emotional Regulation Coping Skills Social and Emotional Awareness Mental Health and Wellbeing
25 questions / List(h) :) Names Why Fill in the Blank World War 1
25 questions / CATCH MVP Healthy Me Illnesses Nutrition Bonus
25 questions / Solve Equations Word problems Write inequalities from word problems Write Equations Write equations from word problems
15 questions / Numerical Expressions Evaluating Expressions Writing Equations
25 questions / Ancient China 1 Ancient China 2 Ancient China 3 Ancient China 4 Ancient China 5
25 questions / Temperature Earth Water Climate Density
25 questions / Numerical Representations Rational Number Operations Proportionality Percents Geometry and Measurements
25 questions / Integers, Opposite and Absolute Value Compare and Order RN Points in the CP Quadrants in the CP Distance in the CP
25 questions / Vocabulary Geography Trivia Government Greek Mythology 1 similar game
25 questions / Self Esteem Communication 6 Components of health 6 Components of Health Bonus
25 questions / Energy Conservation & Resource Management Wave Transfer Seasons & Cycles Earth's Systems Rock Cycle
25 questions / Ireland St Patricks Day St Patricks Day Symbols St Patricks Day Traditions St. Patrick 1 similar game
25 questions / Measuring MAtter Matter Vocab Phase Changes Particles Finding MVD
25 questions / Exponents Order of Operations More Exponents Order of Operation Part 2 Mixed
25 questions / Multiplying Decimals Adding and Subtracting Decimals Multi-Step Problems Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Dividing Decimals
25 questions / PEMDAS Random 1 Random math Random 2 Simplify
25 questions / Unit 7 : Area Unit 8: Surface Area and Nets Unit 8: Volume Unit 9: Data Sets (Mean, Median Mode, and Range) Definitions in a Graph (Box Plot, Line Plot, and Histogram)
25 questions / Percent Basics Percents & Proportions Real-World Percent Problems Finding the Whole Challenge Problems
25 questions / General Study Skills Note-Taking Tips Textbook Reading Tips Test-Taking Tips Tips for Keeping Focused while Studying
25 questions / Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
25 questions / Sadi Carnot Sir Charles Wheatstone Speed of Electricity Depth Perception Really Random
25 questions / layers of the earth Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic Processes of the Rock Cycle
25 questions / Energy Conservation & Resource Management Wave Transfer Seasons & Cycles Earth's Systems Rock Cycle
25 questions / Starlight Star Bright MR. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun.. EARTH PLANETS This is still fun for me but for you it may not be that fun because when you don't know the answer you tend to get mad at Mr. V even though Mr. V did not pick it you did.