25 questions / Le pays des merveilles du Canada France Canada Les Directions Moi, moi et moi
25 questions / Body parts food Colors Numbers animals
25 questions / School vocab Les célébrations Le nourriture Le famille Le voyage
25 questions / Places Times Transportation Questions Question Starters
25 questions / English to french french to English SUPER HARD QUESTIONS (PROS ONLY) sorta easy Baby section (for babies super easy) 1 similar game
25 questions / Nourriture Grammaire Slang Zodiaque Culture
25 questions / months weather foods animals numbers
25 questions / moods ways to go sports activity numbers
25 questions / Les nombres Les couleurs Les mois de l'annèe Les Jours de la Jemaine caractéristiques physiques
25 questions / Survival Phrases Numbers Verbs Greetings Bonus
25 questions / places conversations greetings weather random
25 questions / School supplies Months Phrases Family members Weather terms
25 questions / Numbers 10-100 Er verbs animals days of the week Family Members
25 questions / Days of the week Colours Animals Family School
25 questions / days of the week months of the year numbers 1-10 numbers 10-20 random
25 questions / What is ____ in french what is ___ in french pt2 verb pouvoir pouvior + sur la table sur la table
25 questions / Physical Adjectives Personality Adjectives BAGS Adjectives Étre Avoir
25 questions / ce, cet, ces, cette vocab 2 pg 65 1-100 vocab 3 pg 89 er verbs
23 questions / (Blank) (Blank) (Blank) (Blank) (Blank)
25 questions / Numero Places Article indefinie conjugation vetements
25 questions / numbers clothing calender food no name
25 questions / Number Clothing Food Calender Pokemon
25 questions / Qu’est-ce qui est arrivé? Le subjonctif Quelle animal entends-tu? Conduire! L’imparfait
25 questions / Numbers Family Greetings Months/Days Time
25 questions / Clothing ER verbs Conjugation Animals Subject Pronouns
25 questions / banana orange grease lease cheese
25 questions / Facts French History The Sights Food
25 questions / Facts Phrases Greetings Spelling Food/Color
25 questions / Stores utensils Items Food Random
25 questions / Mois Jour de Semaine Numéros Souvent utiliser / Fautes Communs Prénoms
25 questions / vocabulaire sportif Conjugation calendrier parties du corps Famille
25 questions / Weather Emotions Sports School subjects Colors
25 questions / Sports Emotions Animals Personnes Random
25 questions / Family Members Activities Sports Ages Hobbies
25 questions / Les Couleurs Les Nombres La Description Les Fournitures Scholaires Plus Difficile
25 questions / foods verbs commands vocabulary flash culture
25 questions / couleur jours de la semaine animaux Nombres nourriture
25 questions / Colours Fooda Animals Body Parts Sports
25 questions / ~Food~ ~Sports~ ~Numbers~ ~Mas./Fem.~ ~Fruits~
25 questions / Colors Animals Bathroom supplies Food Activities
25 questions / Presentations Numeros Saisons, mois, jour couleurs La famille
25 questions / Verbs Les Objects de la Classe Les Couleurs Les Espressions Mystere
25 questions / ER IR RE Avoir Faire
25 questions / Lola Lovinfosse Patinage artistique Stade de foot Vive les citrons le recyclage
20 questions / French fries French in the name of food Boring French facts France and sport
25 questions / Ca va #'s 30-45 #'s 46-60 Tu aimes Preferences
25 questions / Être Sports and games Cultures Likes & dislike Nouns
25 questions / numbers Food Clothing Animal Greetings
25 questions / meals colors numbers dishes and silverware cloths
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