25 questions / Singular Conjugation Plural Conjugation Verb Meanings Spanish to English Translations English to Spanish Translations
25 questions / Discipline Western Riding English Riding Saddles Facts
25 questions / La Casa la ropa D.O.P E to IE Ser Vs. Estar
25 questions / Highlanders Black Agnes William Wallace Robert the Bruce Outlander
20 questions / Vocabulary Comprehension Translation Cognate words
20 questions / International Dishes Unusual ingredients and exotic foods Allergies and Dietary preferences Food and Beverage Vocabulary
25 questions / Possessive adj. action verbs Present simple-Negative Presnt simple-Questions Vocabulary
25 questions / European Countries Land Features Translations Capitals Landmarks
25 questions / People Adjectives Affirmative Negative Questions
25 questions / 农历新年Lunar New Year 传统(Traditions & Customs) 文法 (Grammar) 名词 (nouns) 句子 (Sentences)
25 questions / Relief/Vocab Plains Mountains Coasts/Islands Star Vocab
25 questions / Hatchet Hatchet 2 English Vocabulary Hatchet 3 Hatchet 4
25 questions / Past Tense Capitalization Find the mistake WH Questions Random
15 questions / present continuous for future be going to future will
25 questions / Technology fun facts Advantages of technology Disadvantages of technology Technology devices Understanding questions
25 questions / Verb Tenses Word Forms (correct) Verb Forms Correct the sentence Adverb or adjective?
25 questions / Back to Basics Under Construction Native Speakers Odd One Out Potpourri
25 questions / Guess the language Multilingual Pop Culture Most Spoken Languages What do you know about language? General Trivia
20 questions / People & Things Terms Musical Traits Musical Traits, Pt. 2
20 questions / Japanese Geography Japanese Pop Culture Japanese Food Japanese School Life
25 questions / General Knowledge more General Knowledge The English Language Geography Famous People
25 questions / to be have got to be/ have got ?? 4. Write the sentence in order (to be/have got) 5. find a mistake 1 similar game
25 questions / History: Manga History: Comics Anime/Manga in America Anime Dubs Grammar
25 questions / German Fun Facts Vocabulary Fill in the blank Frau Quotes GeBoard Fun Facts Frau Trivia
25 questions / Comida y Bebidas Objectas De La Classe Deportes Familia La Playa
20 questions / Translate from French to English:words Translate from English to French: words Translate French to English: Phrases Verbs
30 questions / 4-Letter Words 【Double Points】 Science in English World Geography (地理) Kanji Construction 【Double Points】 British English Aaron
25 questions / Name the verb Present Tense Translate the verb Present Tense Translate the phrase
25 questions / Mistakes Present Simple + Present Simple - Present Simple ? Adverbs of frequency
30 questions / Artículos definidos Artículos indefinidos Ejemplos Traducciones Misceláneo Vocabulario
25 questions / Can you... Are you... Do you... Create Your Own Random
25 questions / Countries Attractions Food Who is in the picture Interesting facts
25 questions / Vocabulario Ser y Hacer Adjetivos A Traducir Más Vocabulario
25 questions / Closed #28 First One Vocab Vocab 2 Numerals
25 questions / Grammar Characters New Words New Horizon Trivia
25 questions / The History of the English language The British Empire English as lingua franca Immigration and multiculturalism A country divided - social classes