25 questions / English Math Science Social Studies Holiday
25 questions / Traditions Films Chansons Méli-mélo English
25 questions / Christmas around the world Christmas vocabulary Christmas in General New year's eve English class
25 questions / Les questions -- answer in French La personnalité --answer in English La nationalité -- answer in French L'apparence -- answer in English Aléatoire (Wild Card) -- answer in English
25 questions / Vocabulary unit 8 Christmas/holiday facts Correct the mistake MUBA Christmas vocabulary
25 questions / Classroom & Social Expressions Questions & Commands Calender & Numbers Telling Time Seasons & Weather
25 questions / Spelling Past / Present I want to go to My best memory Welcome to Japan
25 questions / Meet the Monarchs English Civil War England France Russia
25 questions / Traditions Holiday Food Trivia Spelling What is it?
30 questions / Xmas food Xmas Traditions Xmas songs Xmas numbers Xmas vocabulary Xmas trivia 2 similar games
25 questions / Sports + do, play, go TV-Time Grammar World Theatre vocabulary
25 questions / Lección 1 Vocabulary Lección 2 Vocabulary Lección 1 Grammar Lección 2 Grammar Lección 3 Vocabulary
25 questions / Vacation Locations Vacation Activities Heritage Sites Vacation Essentials Lodging and Transportation
25 questions / Change to Move to Error analysis Vocabulary Translate 2 similar games
20 questions / Positives Negatives Yes\No Questions Wh questions
25 questions / Figurative Language Writing Layout of the EOC To do or not to do Miscellaneous
25 questions / Unidad 5 Unidad 6 Unidad 7 Unidad 8 Telling time
20 questions / Vocabulary Name the Country That's surprising! In Korea
25 questions / Regular verbs Irregular verbs Words Little continent Everything is big
25 questions / Nouns Verbs 2nd Dec Neuter Derivatives Throwback
25 questions / Categoría 1 Categoría 2 Categoría 3 Categoría 4 Categoría 5
25 questions / Le temps Les objets de classe et les couleurs Avoir et Être avant/après Les prépositions de lieu
25 questions / "Stopping by Woods" "The Wife's Story" "The Necklace" Other... Vocabulary
25 questions / Alphabet Cognates Conversation Vocabulary Numbers Age/From where?
25 questions / Geography Prepositions Which is correct? Tricky Vocabulary History
30 questions / Xmas food Xmas Traditions Xmas songs Xmas numbers Xmas vocabulary Xmas trivia
25 questions / Words The Past The Past-C To Infinity D-ing!
25 questions / Word of the Day General English MISC Parts of Speech Lessons
20 questions / good weather in French good weather in English bad weather in French bad weather in English
20 questions / Direct Translations Spanish to English Conjugations (all five) Correct the Grammar Direct Translations English to Spanish
25 questions / Numbers 1-10 Numbers 11-20 Colors Spanish to English Colors English to Spanish Spanish Math
25 questions / wether in english wether in french Les coulers in French Coulors in English numbers in french