25 questions / world news sports school music English
30 questions / Geography The Middle Colonies The New England Colonies The Southern Colonies Growth of Democracy The Enlightenment
25 questions / Literature/Film Culture Entertainment Food Language
25 questions / Effects of Tobacco Colonial Economy Areas of Settlement Everyday Colonial Life Cultural Groups
25 questions / Weather Wild animals Unit1 and 2 Vocabulary Facts about the World Welcome to America
25 questions / 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person Sum, Esse Possum, Posse
25 questions / Find the mistake Choose the correct answer Fill in the blank True or false General question
25 questions / Who, Why, & When Geography Economy People Aspects of Puritans Life
25 questions / Geography History Political Figures Technology Names
20 questions / Debates Inspiring Ideals Simple Facts The Strong & Weak
25 questions / General Name my Career Skills Challenge How much do I make? What Class helps me the most for this career?
25 questions / Maple Park Team 8C ELA General Knowledge Most Important Stuff to Know
25 questions / Metis Resistance Numbered Treaties Settling the West Manitoba Random
25 questions / The New England Colonies The Southern Colonies The Middle Colonies Life in the Colonies Other
25 questions / Geography Indigenous People West African Empires European Exploration Early American Colonies
25 questions / Stuart Monarchs English Civil War Parliament and the Monarchy Religion in Stuart England Late Stuarts
25 questions / Verb Tenses Fix it Commas Pt 1 Sentence Types Commas Pt. 2
25 questions / Spanish Colonization New England Colonies & Native Interactions The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade Causation and Historical Connections Miscellaneous
25 questions / do be what do/be when do/be where do/be
25 questions / Cities of Sisterly Love Prefectures Japan in the Rockies Before and After Miscellaneous
25 questions / Johns Williams and Rebellions People Religion and Beliefs Early Colonial Legislation
25 questions / Vocabulary Grammar Intermediate Phrases Phrasal Verbs Culture
25 questions / Blending Phonemes拼讀音素 Segmenting Phonemes 分割音素 Adding Phonemes 添加音素 Deducting Phonemes 減去音素 Vocabulary 詞彙
13 questions / First category second category third category correct mistakes forth category
25 questions / say the next! say the opposite answer the question correct the mistake Make a sentence
25 questions / Grammar Literature Non-Fiction Monache Mr. Pierce
25 questions / Unreal Impossible Hopeless Desperate Unimaginable
25 questions / Vocabulary (translate into English/Hungarian) Vocabulary (give definition or synonym) Complete the sentences: active or passive? Use the correct preposition Translate into English from Ukrainian
25 questions / General Knowledge Four Letter Acronyms Geography starting with G Grammy Albums of the Year Guess the movie
24 questions / Dates Crops Democracy Foundations Connecticut Definitions
20 questions / Be going to Be Going To (-) Be Going To ? Vocabulary
25 questions / Vocabulary Vocabulary and Spelling Vocabulary Grammar Grammar
25 questions / ”OA” words ”IE” words Animals Transports Parts of the animals
25 questions / Foods Language Capitals Geography Around the world
25 questions / English Songs Hindi Songs Guess the Actress Fill it in Miscellaneous
20 questions / Religion Tudor England End of the Middle Ages Misc. English History
25 questions / Musical Instruments Theatre Musician’s life Facts about English speaking countries Church
25 questions / Present Simple O'clock Words English İyelik Zamirleri/Possessive Pronouns Çeviri/Translation