25 questions / Vocab Continental Congress Declaration of Independence Colonial Alliances Colonial Victories
25 questions / Iraq & Kuwait Middle East Conflicts Historical Empires Terrorism & Security United Nations & Israel
23 questions / Reformers Politics 1 Misc. Politics 2 Counter-Reformation
25 questions / Novel jeopardy Sports jeopardy Animal jeopardy Movie jeopardy History Jeopardy
25 questions / People Important Words/Random New France Origins New France/Fur Trade Chapter 3 - The Final Years of New France
25 questions / People Dates/ Taxes Battles Surrenders/Main Battles Potpouri
25 questions / Settler Groups Settler Challenges Ancient Mesopotamia The Epic of Gilgamesh Wild Card
25 questions / Feudalism People Wars Germanic Invaders Extra
25 questions / Trading Furs, Waging Wars Tax Me If You Can A ‘Tea’-rrific Rebellion We the People Expedition Impossible
25 questions / Superpowers and Rivalry The Seven Years’ War The Acadians First Nations and the War After the War
25 questions / French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763 The Sugar Act I Survived Pop Culture Break
25 questions / Trivia British/French Crossovers Travels/Adventures Pop Culture/Sports History
23 questions / SILLY Random Alcohol favs Secret talents Pet peeves
25 questions / Weather Food Animals Common household items Transportation
25 questions / fav pets fav foods fav color fav time in day fav hair color
25 questions / Family Vocab -ER/-IR Verbs Adjectives Tener expressions Possessive Adjectives
20 questions / War of 1812 The Louisiana Purchase After the Revolution Lewis and Clark
25 questions / Capital cities by first and last letter General Knowledge AFL Premiers by year Foods that start with C Name the dance style
18 questions / Siege-Lore Where Am I Fun with Puns and Guns Siege + Joey ???
25 questions / things i hate favriot video games favorite foods favriot movies/shows favriot animals
25 questions / Capital City Country Language Nationality Surprise
20 questions / What in the tardation jawfry for fun name the date
25 questions / Singular Plural Suprise Exception Translate to English
15 questions / Les Nourritures Les Boissons Les Fruits
15 questions / Valentines Day Statistics Valentines Day Gifts Valentines Day Valentines Day Trivia Famous Couples
12 questions / Basics of Alien and Sedition Acts Political Parties/Government War More in-depth of Alien and Sedition Acts
16 questions / Conflict Theory Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Early sociologists Functionalism
20 questions / Napoleonic Wars Failed Invasion of Russia Emperor Napoleon End of Napoleon
25 questions / School subjects School items Adverbs of frequency Do/Play Places in school
25 questions / Color Numbers spots Class room abject food
25 questions / aimer les adjectifs les noms les verbes les corrections
25 questions / Let Them Eat Cake! I Need a Hero All About the US Government What's the Social Structure? Let's Play Ball