25 questions / Harry Potter Teachers Harry Potter Houses Harry Potter Harry Potter Spells Harry Potter Creatures 2 similar games
35 questions / Harry Potter 1 Harry Potter 2 Harry Potter 3 Harry Potter 4 Harry Potter 5 Harry Potter 6 Harry Potter 7 2 similar games
25 questions / Harry Potter Harry Potter II Harry Potter Facts Harry Potter Books Random Harry Potter
25 questions / Harry potter 1 Harry potter 2 Harry Potter 3 Harry potter 4 Harry potter 5 4 similar games
25 questions / Really Really really easy Harry potter questions Harry Potter A mix of Harry Potter Harry Potter Places Harry Potter hard 1 similar game
25 questions / Harry potter column 1 Harry potter column 2 Harry Potter column 3 Harry potter column 4 Harry potter column 5
25 questions / All About Harry Harry Potter Teachers Characters Harry Potter Movies Harry Potter Creatures
25 questions / Harry Potter Characters 1 Harry Potter Characters 2 Quidditch Horcruxes Harry Potter Media
20 questions / Harry potter (1) Harry potter (2) Percy jackson hunger games
25 questions / Bradavice Učitelé Zajímavosti Doplň hlášku Kdo to řekl?
5 questions / Death Eaters Professors Spells Animals Horcruxes
20 questions / Spells and Potions Magical Creatures Hogwarts Trivia Characters
25 questions / Harry Potter Hogwarts Karaktere Besværgelser og forbandelser Magiske væsner
25 questions / Admission Shopping Houses Books and Films Characters
25 questions / Characters Scene Death Eaters The silver trio Misc
25 questions / Harry Potter 1 Filmene Personer Dyr/Skapninger English
20 questions / Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Magical creatures Spells and potions Dark Arts and Voldemort
25 questions / Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
12 questions / Les Professeurs Les Personages Les Houses Vrai ou Faux? Random
25 questions / The Weasley’s Spells and Potions Wizarding World Locations Dark Arts and Forbidden Knowledge The Marauders
19 questions / Les Professeurs Les Personages Les Houses Vrai ou Faux? Random
25 questions / Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
25 questions / Harry potter everyone else spells/potions Hogwarts random
25 questions / Characters and Animals Spells Actors Books Random
25 questions / Which Movie? When did they die? Who said that? Defense Against the Dark Arts Teachers Ghosts of Hogwarts
25 questions / Characters Creatures House Stuff Plot Random!
25 questions / Skuespiller Hogwarts Evil/Death Eaters Lærestablen Random
13 questions / Les Professeurs Les Personages Les Houses Vrai ou Faux? Random
25 questions / Hogwarts Professors Magical Creatures Spells & Potions Wizarding World Events Miscellaneous Magic