25 questions / War Miscellaneous Greece Government Greek Culture Macedonia
25 questions / Universal Declaration of Human Rights Value of Human Life VOHL Around the World World Stats Happiness
25 questions / Statements More statements Law of Syllogism Law of Detachment What's the property
25 questions / Enlightenment and Great Awakening French and Indian War Events leading up to the American Revolution American Revolution Random
25 questions / Persuasive Writing Assorted Math Hispanic Heritage Marketing Inventions Riddles
25 questions / Identifying Parts of Argument Toulmin Model Types of Evidence Fallacies Rhetorical Appeals
19 questions / Language Design and Abstrations Object-Oriented Design Copying in Python Python Inheritance & Typing
25 questions / Software Data/Hardware Operating systems BU UPE
25 questions / Math/Logic Math/Logic Math/Logic Random Math/Logic
25 questions / Variables Repetition vs. Replication The Scientific Method Science and Society Theory vs. Law
20 questions / Persuade Me State Your Claim That Should Have Been an Email Social Media
20 questions / Hindrances Due To Basic Human Limitations Hindrances Due To Use of Language Faulty Logic or Perception Psychological and Sociological Pitfalls
25 questions / Python Basics Loops and Recursion Structures and Logic Searching and Sorting Hashing, Files, Dataclass
25 questions / Maths IGCSE English Sciences Riddles Business/Economics
25 questions / CPU Architecture File storage Input devices Python General knowledge
25 questions / Scientific Revolution Great Thinkers Cultural Changes Political Revolutions Key Terms
25 questions / LSAT History Logical Vocabulary Logical Reasoning Logical Syllogisms Misc.
25 questions / Epistemology Main Problems Theories 1 Theories 2 Application
25 questions / Bodies Brains Motor Skills Sleeping Pottying
25 questions / Truth Tables Circuits & Gates Basics of Python Python Statements Create a Python Program
25 questions / Math Trivia Mental Math Logic Puzzles Geometry Random
25 questions / Equations Properties of Geometric Figures Ratios and Rates Logic Trivia
25 questions / Industrialization Populist movement Progressive Movement Reform Vocabulary
25 questions / Rhetorical Appeals Rhetorical Devices Logical Fallacies Name that Device Name that Fallacy
25 questions / Foreign Policy American History Government Structure U.S. Politicians (Past and Present) Politician Quotes
25 questions / Rome 1 Rome 2 Greece 1 Greece 2 India & China
25 questions / Logic Windsorbear Windsorbear Windsorbear Star Wars
20 questions / Attitude Persuasion Self-presentation Social Influence Conditioning
25 questions / Mindfulness What skills How Skills Interpersonal Effectiveness DBT Misc.
25 questions / Algebra / NT Geometry Prob / Combo Teatime Logic
25 questions / Biology Variables Reasoning Habitats Everything else
25 questions / Malicious Code CIA triad Codeacademy Vocab Misc
30 questions / Marketing Careers Economic Impact Buying Motives Nature of Sports Marketing Target Market Local Sports Teams
25 questions / Mindfulness Distress Tolerance Emotion Regulation Validation/Communication For fun
25 questions / Logic Moral Skepticism Utilitarianism Kantian Ethics Odds and Ends
25 questions / Vocabulary Context Clues Reading Strategies and Need to Know Figurative Language Reading Comprehension BONUS (: 1 similar game
25 questions / Literacy Math The Wild Robot Science or Math Social Studies