25 questions / Verbs in present continuous Random Questions Questions in present continuous Negative in present continuous Present continuous 4 similar games
25 questions / Vocabulary Complete the sentences: Comparatives / Superlatives Correct the sentences: Comparatives / Superlatives too / enough Collocations / Phrasal Verbs
20 questions / adding emphasis: cleft sentences words that are often confused word building: adjectives, nouns, and verbs miscellaneous
25 questions / PH Products Let's Do This (verbs) Clean Up Your Act Look at Yourself!! My pretty hair
25 questions / Action Vs Linking Verbs Fixing Double Negatives Prepositional Phrases Predicate Adj. or Predicate Noun Sentence Pattern
20 questions / vocabulary Relative Clauses Articles Modal Verbs
25 questions / Past Simple Past Continuous Sentence transformation with Phrasal verbs Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to Vocabulary
25 questions / Some/any/no compounds Vocabulary The Passive Present Perfect The Passive Modal verbs Passive voice mixed
25 questions / Pronouns Adjectives Ar verbs Ser and Tener Vocab
25 questions / Pronouns Adjectives Ar verbs Ser and Tener Gustar
25 questions / Verbs of movement Positive and negative adjectives Nouns to adjectives Ireland Fun Facts Cork Fun Facts
25 questions / Life Cycle of a human (nouns) Life stages (verbs) al or ful past simple past simple
25 questions / Wortarten und Verben Satzbau & Zeichensetzung Argumentieren Redensarten, Sprichwörter & Synonyme Weihnachtsspecial
25 questions / Acabar de Preterite -ar Verbs Irregular Preterite Verbs Miscellaneous Indirect Object Pronouns
25 questions / Irregular Verbs Tense Past Participle Subject-Verb Agreement Third-Person Plural
25 questions / Vocabulary Reflexive Verbs Preterite Imperfect Preterite vs. Imperfect
25 questions / Verbos AR Verbos ER Verbos IR Conjugating Verbs Preguntas
25 questions / Vocabulary Verbs Madame Desir Marseille et Lyon Court Metrage 1 similar game
30 questions / Ropa 1 Ropa 2 Places to Shop Ropa 3 Verbs
25 questions / -ar verbs ir/dar/estar ser possessives adjective agreement
25 questions / Articles Pronouns Verbs Themed Vocabulary Words you should know
25 questions / Verb Definitions Transitive and Intransitive Night action and linking Helping verbs
25 questions / Verbs Conjugate ER-Cuisiner True or False In French
25 questions / Verb Patterns 1 Verb Patterns 2 Verb Patterns 3 Verb Patterns 4 Verb Patterns 5
25 questions / Preterite vs. Imperfect Translations Preterite or Imperfect? Preterite conjugations Imperfect conjugations misc.
25 questions / Vocabulary Parts of Speech Theme Summary Plot
25 questions / To be To have (positive) To have (negative) To be negative Question
25 questions / Vocab 1 Vocab 2 Vocab 3 Vocab 4 Vocab 5
25 questions / Describing Words (Adjectives) Action Words (Verbs) Variety and Connections Deep Thinking and Creativity Odds and Ends
25 questions / Semi-regular verbs Irregular verbs Food names Adj. Helper verbs
25 questions / Football (world) Football (DK) English Animals Cars
25 questions / Rutina Diaria Pretérito Comida Aleatorio Las Fiestas
25 questions / Irregular verbs Anne Frank Freedom Writers Lamb to the Slaughter 9f
25 questions / tener & tener que frequency telling time vocabulary conjugating -ar verbs
25 questions / Science Social Studies Math Grammar Reading
25 questions / KIDS CHRISTMAS MOVIES CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS BIBLE Name it in spanish Verbs & Adjetives Name it in spanish Vocabulary
30 questions / Capital Letters Adjectives Irregular Verbs: GO and DO Contractions with NOT Subject/Verb Agreement Mia or Harold
25 questions / Irregular Past Tense Irregular Future Tense Regular Past Tense Regular Future Tense Verbs after "it/she/he"