25 questions / Business Basics Financial Terms Marketing and Management Verbs in Action Business Operations
25 questions / Gustar Subject Pronouns Ser / Estar Adjectives Adjectives part 2
25 questions / Present Tense Verbs/Past Tense Verbs Present tense/Past Tense Verbs Present Tense/Past Tense Verbs Present Tense/Past Tense Verbs Present Tense/Past Tense Verbs
25 questions / chp 2 vocab chp 3 vocab chp 4 vocab subjunctive changes parts of subjunctive
25 questions / er verbs remembrance day french to english ir verbs la météo
25 questions / KIDS CHRISTMAS MOVIES CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS BIBLE Name it in spanish Verbs & Adjetives Name it in spanish Vocabulary
25 questions / Verben Pantomime - Aufforderungsform Verben - Ich, Du, Er/Sie/Es und Zeitform Englisch Sachunterricht Weihnachtslieder
25 questions / Identify the nouns. Identify the pronouns. Identify the verbs. Identify the adjectives. Identify the adverbs.
25 questions / Yo Tú Ud. y Uds. Nosotros Aleatorio
20 questions / éponge carré twinery.org ta mère Georges-Eugènes Haussmann Pourquoi suis-je ?
12 questions / Familiar Tu Commands Reciprical Reflexives Stressed possessives Random vocab
25 questions / verbs verbs 2 Christmas People at school random
25 questions / PC vs Imparfait PC Etre vs Avoir PC Notes 2 Notes 3
30 questions / 2nd Grade Math 2nd Grade Reading 2nd Grade Random 2nd Grade Trivia 2nd Grade Writing Gilder
25 questions / Irregular Verbs 1 Irregular Verbs 2 Irregular Verbs 3 Irregular Verbs 4 Irregular Verbs 5
25 questions / Clauses & Phrases Diagramming What type? Parts of Speech Miscellaneous
25 questions / "I" "You" "Someone Else" Groups Mixture
25 questions / Nouns Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Prepositions Pronouns
25 questions / Regular Verbs Crazy 'IR' Verbs Crazy 'ER' Verbs Adjectives / Nouns Avoir / Être
25 questions / irregular verbs comparative opposites feelings asking questions
17 questions / Characteristics of Format Beginning Middle End Parts of Speech
25 questions / The Hunger Games Name that Part of Speech Parts of an Essay Vocabulary Random
25 questions / Monster A Monster B ??? Verbs Subject/Predicate
20 questions / Reciprocal Reflexives Affirmative Tu Commands Negative Tu Commands Vocab
25 questions / Helping Verbs Negative Verbs Translations Grammar Conjugations
25 questions / Science (Chemistry) Science (Experiment Structures) I & S (Religion) I & S (Settlements) English (Grammar)
25 questions / Plural Nouns Action Verbs Contractions Vocabulary Inference
25 questions / unscramble writing grammar Irregular verbs(writing) riddles
25 questions / phrasal verbs synonym translate translate definition
25 questions / El presente El pretérito Los pronombres Unas frases Todos Irregulares
24 questions / Ability Obligation Necessity/Isistence Possibility Permission/Requests
25 questions / Reflexive Verbs Vocab Preterit Imperfect Culture
25 questions / Building New Signs Deriving Nouns From Verbs Compounds Fingerspelling Numeral Incorporation
25 questions / Vocabulary Prepositions Stem-Changing verbs Reflexive verbs Miscellaneous
24 questions / General Culture Geography History English Grammar Science
25 questions / Indefinite/Definite Articles Interrogative Words Al, Del , Personal a Gustar Telling Time