25 questions / What Do Illustrators Do? Bat Loves the Night Science Verbs Random
25 questions / Time Indicators Connecting Phrases Double Verbs Miscellaneous Conjugaciones
25 questions / ar verbs er/ir verbs "ir" Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2
25 questions / adjectives noun part 1 mixed 1 verbs /phrasal verbs mixed 2
25 questions / Amrita Aladdin Bambi - Nouns Bambi - Verbs Heron & Hummingbird
25 questions / Vocabulary Imperfect Comparisons Reflexive Verbs Stem Changing Verbs
25 questions / In the supermarket In the house On Vacation In Class In the resturant
25 questions / -AR Verbs -ER Verbs -IR Verbs Fill in the Blank Subject Pronouns
25 questions / Name it Commas Contractions Fix the sentence Plurals
25 questions / Grammar Stuff Harder Grammar Essay Stuff Sources Misc.
30 questions / En la clase Preposiciones La familia -er verbs -ir verbs Descriptive Adjectives
25 questions / Yes/No questions Yes/No questions continued Yes/No questions continued WH/How questions WH/How questions continued
25 questions / Types of Verbs DO and IO Tenses A, An, & The Comparative or Superlative
25 questions / Mas probable a... Who did it? Minigames Random Guess Who?
25 questions / Vocabulary Principal Parts Verbs Nouns/Adjectives Miscellaneous
25 questions / Las terminaciones Verbos -AR Verbos -ER Verbos -IR Verbos -ER and -IR
25 questions / Nouns Adjectives Verbs Phrasal Verbs Collocations/ Set Phrases
20 questions / Vocabulary Verbs Culture Miscellaneous
20 questions / Pardon My French Famous Ballets Ends in É Anatomy and Kinesiology
25 questions / 自然災害 Natural Disasters いろ Colors どうし Verbs うち house ISI
25 questions / 6A Vocabulary 6B Vocabulary Demonstrative adjectives Spelling changer -er verbs Irregular -ir verbs
25 questions / Vocabulary Ser vs Estar Reflexive verbs Stem Changers Irregulars
25 questions / The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas The Ones Who Stay and Fight The Great Gatsby Parts of Speech Story Elements
25 questions / Verbs Conjunctions Sentence Scramble Preposition Nouns
9 questions / Stress Possessives Tú Commands Reciprocal Reflexives
25 questions / Key Terms Parts of Speech Pt. 1 Parts of Speech Pt. 2 Vocab Literature
25 questions / Mythology/ History Numbers Translation Derivatives Miscellaneous
25 questions / Irregular Verbs Vocab 1-12 Challenge Words Cases Roman Culture/Gods
25 questions / Unit 1 Unit 2 Vocabulary Grammar Unit 1 & 2
25 questions / Phrasal Verbs Describing People Differences Conditionals Relative Clauses
20 questions / Famille Simple Addition Adjectives Verbs 1 similar game
20 questions / Unit 1: Los Saludos Unit 2: Los Pasatiempos Unit 3: La Escuela Unit 4: AR Verbs
25 questions / Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Affixes
25 questions / Family Food Descriptions -AR Verbs Weather 2 similar games
25 questions / Describing Words (Adjectives) Action Words (Verbs) Variety and Connections Deep Thinking and Creativity Odds and Ends
25 questions / Nouns Adjectives Phrasal verbs Simple Comparisons Tenses
10 questions / Tú commands Reciprocal Reflexives Stressed Possessives