25 questions / Vocab 1 Vocab 2 Vocab 3 Vocab 4 Vocab 5
15 questions / Modals of obligation Modals of prohibition Modals of permission
25 questions / Grammar Parts of the Story Sentence Parts Figurative Language General Vocabulary
25 questions / Figurative Language Pronouns Verbs Author's Purpose PIE A Mango Shaped Space
25 questions / -Ar verbs -Er verbs -Ir verbs Reverse Random
25 questions / Australian Poetry Persuade Me Genre Survival Texts Visual Texts
25 questions / Tense Comparatives/Superlatives Common Grammar Mistakes Countable/Uncountable/Quantifiers Verb patterns
20 questions / Adjectives Nouns Verbs Phrasal Verbs
25 questions / action, linking, helping verbals principal parts troublesome verbs review
15 questions / Greetings Holidays conditional of irregular verbs Years Technology
25 questions / Statement w/ elle Negagive with il Q with any tag Q inversion w/ tu Q inversion w/ il
25 questions / GOING AWAY PHRASAL VERBS Present continuous Vocabulary tasks
25 questions / Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs Dialogue Verbs Synonyms, Antonyms, Shades of Meaning Types of Sentences and Punctuation
25 questions / Noun town Verbville Translation Station Latin Rulz Miscellaneous
40 questions / Grammar UoE part 1/2 UoE part 3/4 Formal-Informal language Linkers Xmas Songs Xmas riddles Vocabulary
25 questions / Vocabulary double object pronouns Irregular stem changing preterite comparisons words like gustar
21 questions / Food Verbs Characters Scrambled Christmas Songs Titles Numbers
25 questions / regular verbs irregular verbs vocabulario preguntitas article/noun/adjective
25 questions / -ar -er -ir Subject Pronouns Challenge
25 questions / Literary Terms 1 Literacy Terms 2 Literary Terms 3 Literary Terms 4 Literary Terms 5
42 questions / Vocabulary Verbs like Gustar Preterite of -ar verbs Preterite of -er ad -ir verbs Preterite of ser and ir Reflexive Verbs Cultura
16 questions / Surprise! Present/Past Future/Conditional DOP
15 questions / Regrets and Criticisms Communication verbs Superstitions, customs, and beliefs
25 questions / Les Saisons Adjectifs démonstratifs Passé Composé Vocabulaire Verbes irreguliers -ir
25 questions / Listening -AR Verbs Vocabulario Question Words Weather
25 questions / Acabar de Preterite -ar Verbs Irregular Preterite Verbs Miscellaneous Indirect Object Pronouns
25 questions / Adverbs and Adjectives Nouns and Pronouns Verbs and Linking Verbs Prepositions Conjunctions
25 questions / negative adjectives mixed adjectives idioms part 1 idioms part 2 phrasal verbs
25 questions / What is it Parts of Speech Pronoun Verbs Name the Adjective
25 questions / Preterite or Imperfect? El Imperfecto El Pretérito Translations Future/Conditional
25 questions / Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Nouns Grab Bag
25 questions / Chapter 7.1 Chapter 7.2 Chapter 9.1 Chapter 9.2 Chapter 6
25 questions / Math Current Events ELA Science Social Science
25 questions / Parts of Speech Dialogue Addresses Book Titles Irregular Verbs
25 questions / Grammar Galore Verbs Voyage Vive la Culture! Vocab Victory Say it Right!
25 questions / Recognizing Nouns Subject/Verb Agreement Noun usage Verbals & Noun Clauses Literature
25 questions / Phrasal Verbs Name the tense "Articles: A, An, or The?" Slang - then and now "Metaphor Madness"
25 questions / Verbs Conjugate ER-Cuisiner True or False In French