25 questions / foods Things I like / random movies/ movie related Fav characters music
25 questions / Employment/ Volunteer Childhood School Singing/Acting Life in general
25 questions / Mr. Elliott as a CCS Student Mr. Elliott's Favorites Mr. Elliott Basic Facts Mr. Elliott's Struggles Mr. Elliott Hobbies
20 questions / Early days travel diaries haunting moments Fun facts
25 questions / Forces Vocabulary Types of Forces Other Forces Animals & Environments Review Fun Time
25 questions / gen's favorites all about gen this or that people in this room random gen trivia
25 questions / arihanna fav foods fav color random fav good
25 questions / Solving One Step Equations Easy Solving One Step Equations Medium Solving One Step Equations Hard Write the equation and solve Vocabulary 1 similar game
25 questions / Numbers Multiple Choice First Jobs Who is this? Who wrote this?
25 questions / Batch of 2020 Teachers Lovey Dovey Santa Emoji Surprise
25 questions / 8th Grade Science 8th Grade English 8th Grade Math Mr. Guntle 8th Grade 8th Grade Social Studies
25 questions / Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion Revising/Editing Teacher Trivia
16 questions / job/ career favourites core memories random naughty
18 questions / Malcom X Death Childhood The Nation of Islam Where did he live
25 questions / True/False Adding Decimals Subtracting Decimals Add or Subtract Decimals Random
25 questions / Addition Subtraction Mystery Math Multiplication Division
25 questions / Ratios/Rates Proportions Percents Percent of a Number Miscellaneous
25 questions / Time Volume Metric U.S. Customary Capacity
25 questions / Pounds & Ounces Kilogram& Grams Time Gallon Man Compare Weight
25 questions / Math Geography Science P.E. Fun
25 questions / Exponents Exponentials Simple & Compound Interest Probability Statistics
25 questions / Whole Numbers Algebraic Reasoning Financial Literacy Decimals Fractions
25 questions / divide times plus minuse inpossible queshtions
25 questions / Fractions Whole Numbers 2- Step Decimals Mixed Bag
25 questions / Operations & Algebraic Thinking Number & Operations in Base Ten Number & Operations - Fractions Measurement & Data Geometry
25 questions / Multiplication & Division Patterns & Relationships Number Concepts Addition & Subtraction Knowledge Mix
20 questions / Place Value and Whole Numbers Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers Interpret and Solve Problem Situations Multiply by One-Digit and Two-Digit Numbers
20 questions / I can use PEMDAS to evaluate expressions. I can use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving real-world problems. I can generate equivalent expressions using properties of operations. I can identify properties of operations.
25 questions / Metric Units Time Customary Units Perimeter and Area Grab Bag
21 questions / Go Birds! Barkley for MVP FLY EAGLES FLY Sundays are for the BIRDS FINAL JEOPARDY!
25 questions / Grab bag Repeated addition Multiplication Addition & Subtraction Division