25 questions / French colors French food ER verb endings French ??? ER verbs
25 questions / French I French II Mme Course Rules/Routines French Curriculum
25 questions / French Numbers French Phrases French Words Math Other Interesting Facts
25 questions / French Numbers French phrases French colors Things in school Bonus 1 similar game
25 questions / Scientists Napoleon French Rev More French Rev French Rev III
25 questions / Numbers food french cloth calender in french random not french
25 questions / French food French Slang Francophone World French History Francophone Landmarks
25 questions / french colors french numbers ER verb endings french ??? ER verbs 1 similar game
25 questions / French Art French Women France at War French Thinking Potpourri
25 questions / Geography of France French Verbs Potpourri French Numbers French Food
25 questions / French to English English to French Hangman French Customs Unscramble
35 questions / Physical traits Adjectives French animals Feelings French numbers French colors
25 questions / Origins of the French Language French Around the World French Geography & Symbols French Explorers & History French Culture & Fun Facts
15 questions / French IR verbs French food French numbers
15 questions / French pet's french polite phrases french numbers
25 questions / shopping expression avoir les vetements passe compose adjectives
25 questions / Les couleurs Les numeros La nourriture Les vêtements L'anniversaire 1 similar game
25 questions / Les couleurs Les directions La nourriture Les vêtements L'anniversaire 7 similar games
25 questions / Mercy Watson Les animaux Les maths La nature (phrase: qui-fait-quoi) L'été
25 questions / Etre avoir les vetements passe compose adjectives 2 similar games
25 questions / Etre avoir time in french passe compose adjectives
25 questions / Les couleurs Les directions La nourriture Les vêtements L'anniversaire 1 similar game
25 questions / Imprévisible Le passé La nourriture Les nombres France
25 questions / Les couleurs Les animaux Les nombres ma,mon,mes description
25 questions / Les couleurs Les saisons La nourriture Les vêtements Les animaux
25 questions / (Blank) La conjugaison La nourriture Les nombres France
25 questions / Before the Revolution French Rev - Un French Rev - Deux French Rev - Trois French Rev - Quatre
25 questions / French Numbers 20-40 French Numbers 70-100 French Numbers 41-69 French Colours # 2 French Numbers 70-100
25 questions / French Conjugations French Vocabulary English to French Sentence Translation French to English Sentence Translation Random
25 questions / Francophone celebrations/traditions French foods French vocab/slang Famous French Artists/Writers Famous French Monuments
25 questions / French Basics French Basics 2 Numbers French Facts Mish-mosh
25 questions / Avoir/Être French Family French Animals Present Verbs French Trivia