25 questions / French Conjugations French Vocabulary English to French Sentence Translation French to English Sentence Translation Random 1 similar game
25 questions / Francophone celebrations/traditions French foods French vocab/slang Famous French Artists/Writers Famous French Monuments
20 questions / French to English English to French Translate French to English Translate English to French
20 questions / French colors Letters in French Days of the week in French Fruits in French
25 questions / Les couleurs Les animaux Les math La nature L'été
25 questions / Les couleurs Les saisons La nourriture Les vêtements Les animaux
25 questions / Les couleurs Les directions La nourriture Les vêtements L'anniversaire 6 similar games
25 questions / Les couleurs Les directions le nourriture Les Vetements L'anniversaires 3 similar games
25 questions / Etre Avoir les vetements Les verbes adjectives
25 questions / Imprévisible La conjugaison La nourriture Les nombres France
25 questions / Imprévisible Le passé La nourriture Les nombres France
25 questions / Etre avoir les vetements passe compose adjectives
25 questions / Les couleurs Les directions La nourriture Les vêtements L'anniversaire
25 questions / Before the Revolution French Rev - Un French Rev - Deux French Rev - Trois French Rev - Quatre 1 similar game
25 questions / French School Subjects French to Eng Subjects Eng to French telling the time French Verbs
25 questions / Causes French Revolution People French Revolution Events French revolution people and groups French Revolution Vocabulary
25 questions / Emotions English->French Emotions French->English Feelings English->French Feelings French->English Avoir et Etre
25 questions / French to english English to French French to english English to French French to english
25 questions / French number 0-10 French numbers +/- french number 10-20 french number 20-25 Birthdays
25 questions / 1-16 in french Classes in French Time telling in french Verbs Sports in french
30 questions / Napoleon Bonaparte French Revolution 1 French Revolution 2 French Revolution 3 French revolution 4 Enlightenment
25 questions / French Numbers 0-10 French Colours French Numbers 11-20 L'alphabet French Numbers 21-30
25 questions / French Small Talk 1 French Small Talk 2 French Foods French Beverages German Small Talk
25 questions / English to french French to english Harder translations Sentences in French French to English sentences
25 questions / French numbers 1-20 French numbers 21-40 French numbers 41-50 French equations Translate
25 questions / colors in French days in french main actor movies words in French animals in French
25 questions / Famille - masculine English - French Famille - feminine English - French Adjectifs English - French Pets English - French Random
25 questions / French numbers 1-10 French numbers 11-20 French numbers 21-30 French numbers 31-40 French numbers 41-50
25 questions / English to French 1 English to French 2 English to French 3 French to English 1 French to English 2
25 questions / French Numbers 0 - 20 French Numbers 20 - 40 French Numbers 40 - 60 French Numbers 60 - 80 French Numbers 80 - 100
20 questions / French Numbers 0-10 French Colours # 1 French Numbers 11-20 French Colours # 2 2 similar games
25 questions / Food in French Colors in French Cartoon Cartoons Video Games in French Numbers in French
25 questions / Translating French Numbers Random French Words French Animals Rizzque (not French related), pop culture memes
20 questions / Three Estates French Monarchy French Revolution 1 French Revolution 2