20 questions / French Greetings (French to English) #s 1 - 10 (French to English) #s 11 - 20 (French to English) French Facts
25 questions / French Greetings Spanish Foods French/Spanish Numbers French Foods Spanish Greetings
25 questions / Lost in Translation French culture Les Mis French Food French Pop
25 questions / French Language Italian Language French Culture Italian Culture French & Italian Sports
25 questions / French 1 review French 1 review cont. French 2 review French 2 review Misc. 3 similar games
25 questions / French to English English to French Months Dates to French BONUS
25 questions / French Culture French Grammar Translations Vocabulary: French first Vocabulary: English first
25 questions / French Culture Italian Culture French Language Italian Food French & Italian Monuments
25 questions / English to French French to English être Hints All Other French
25 questions / British Vocab English History English/French Geography French Food French Landmarks
25 questions / French Landmarks French Historical Figures French Cuisine The Francophone World Statistics
25 questions / French in English Famous French People Francophone Countries Paris French Cuisine
25 questions / Vocabulary French Players Historical French Soccer Modern French Soccer Your Instructors
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25 questions / French Club French Foods French Tourist Places Mme Cayla Le Potpourri
25 questions / Basic French phrases French numbers French colours Carnaval de quebec Miscellaneous
25 questions / French Numbers French Verbs les verbes réguliers French activities La famille 1 similar game
25 questions / French Numbers French colors French adjectives Family vocabulary France+la francophonie
25 questions / French Vocab French Culture Mr. Green Facts Louvre Facts French History
25 questions / French 1 review French 1 review cont. French 2 review French 2 review Misc.
25 questions / school supplies french words french words misc french words misc french words 2
25 questions / Animals in French Multiplying Dividing Colors in French Numbers in French
25 questions / la grammaire French Colours French Numbers 30-60 Alphabet French Sayings
25 questions / French-English 3 words French Clues English-French I would buy ..
25 questions / famous french people words & expressions french food french places ur leaders!
20 questions / Les couleurs Les animaux Les nombres L'école Dieppe
20 questions / Les couleurs Les animaux Les nombres Les determinants 1 similar game
20 questions / Trivia Crack French Trivia French Trivia II French Trivia III
20 questions / English to French English to French French to English Sentences English to French
20 questions / English to french French to english English to french (hard) Sentence in french/ some words
14 questions / French Revolution More French Revolution Still French Revolution French Revolution 4 French Revolution Stuff
48 questions / French to English Translations Numbers English to French Months English to French English to French Translations
25 questions / French to English French to English 2 English to French English to French 2 Mixed Bag!
25 questions / French days of the week French months French greetings French numbers Facts about Montreal and Quebec 1 similar game
25 questions / Furniture & Houses in French Holidays in French Verbs in French Greetings and Salutations in French Miscellaneous
25 questions / 1-16 in french Classes in French Time telling in french Er verbs Sports in french 1 similar game
25 questions / French Directional Terms More French Terms French to English Phrases English to French Phrases Méli-Mélo