30 questions / Food Language Capitals Geography Around the world
25 questions / Roles of the French Roles of the British Roles of the first Nations roles of the Metis Rupert's land
25 questions / WW1 causes Trench Warfare Strategy/Major Battles Wars End WW1 outcomes
25 questions / The History of the English language The British Empire English as lingua franca Immigration and multiculturalism A country divided - social classes
35 questions / Music Genres Music Math RMS Band Instruments Music Terms Word Unscramble Random Stuff
25 questions / French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763 The Sugar Act The Stamp Act Committees of Correspondence
25 questions / Scientific Revolution Contributors Enlightenment Contributors American Revolution Big Ideas Enlightenment Spreads
25 questions / Bonne Appétit Film&Television It's Called Fashion City Sights Art Attack!
25 questions / Pop Culture Sports Movies/TV Shows Video Games Music
36 questions / American Revolution #1 American Revolution # 2 American Revolution # 3 American Revolution # 4 American Revolution # 5 American Revolution # 6 1 similar game
25 questions / World Geography Classic Novels Famous Historical Figures General Famous Foods
25 questions / Modern France US Environmental Ancient Greece Pennsylvania The Americas
25 questions / The USA before 1789 George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson Unusual facts
25 questions / Key individuals 1 Key individuals 2 Key events 1 Key events 2 Other
25 questions / Adams Jefferson Key Concepts War of 1812 Lewis and Clark Expedition
21 questions / Vocab- ch-2 Chapter 2 and 3 Vocab New France vs Thirteen Colonies Sample Questions English Explorers
21 questions / America German Action Statistics (Closest value gets the point) Allied Action Problems in Germany
23 questions / Native people Spanish explorers Seminole Wars Cause & Effect Bonus
49 questions / Rebellions Taxes Napoleon Treaties Religious Changes Wars & Battles Famous People
25 questions / Washington's Presidency Economic Issues Foreign Affairs Constitution and Government Review Political Parties
25 questions / US Geography Canadian Geography US History Canadian History US and Canada today
20 questions / Traditons Food Around the World History True or False
30 questions / Acadians 7 Years War/BattleAbraham Treaty of Paris Royal Proclamation Quebec Act & Random
25 questions / Fächer lernen Sonstiges Positiv Negativ
25 questions / 1940s Trivia Fruits de Mer Canadiana! Cats and Dogs Random Trivia
25 questions / Key Events Important Figures Policies Opposition of The Reign of Terror The Rise of Napoleon
25 questions / Fill in the blank Boy, girl or both wants Name the food From Which movie? Random Emoji: name it
25 questions / Les Verbes les fruits les boissons les desserts divers - miscellaneous
25 questions / The Enlightenment 7 Years War Random American Revolution French Revolution
25 questions / Valentines English Science Random ?'s Geography
25 questions / Food/ drink Desserts Fruits/Vegetables Assorted Foods Fast Food Chains
25 questions / Literature Grammarmar Writing Football Math
25 questions / General South America Knowledge 1 General South America Knowledge 2 The Guianas Cultural Regions of South America Geography Word Scramble