25 questions / Government History Geography Demographics Names
25 questions / Culture (Pays d'Asie) Verbes pronominaux Connecters Logiques Grammaire Vocabulaire
15 questions / décorations Nourriture et friandises Traditions de Noël
15 questions / être et avoir Faire + loisirs Possessive -er verbs
25 questions / Greetnigs / Saludes y Despedidos Weather / El tiempo Food / Comida Christmas / Navidad the
25 questions / School Stuff School Subjects Adjectives about school Expressions -ER Verbs
25 questions / Materias/Asignaturas Cosas de escuela Lugares en la escuela Los idiomas/las lenguas extranjeros/as Potpourri
25 questions / Info biographique Préférences Temps Nourriture / Boissons Activités
20 questions / Translate Correct the sentence article Translate Answer the riddle
25 questions / Writing Portion Prep. Part 1 Writing Portion Prep. Part 2 Demonstrative Adjectives Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns L'imparfait
25 questions / culture and geography clothing colors style sentence translations
25 questions / Revolts & Counterrevolution Surprise Religious Affairs The Directory Early Revolution Stuff
25 questions / UNITÉ 6 UNITÉ 7 UNITÉ 8 UNITÉ 9 UNITÉ 10
25 questions / classroom objects -er verbs avoir être salade
30 questions / Xmas food Xmas Traditions Xmas songs Xmas numbers Xmas vocabulary Xmas trivia 1 similar game
25 questions / english fur trade french fur trade british north america the foundation of economy hudsons bay company
9 questions / Use 1/4 of your brain. Ultra for Anime Useful Languages
15 questions / mathematics science history napoleon bonaparte jeyan
25 questions / Figurative Language Skills Vocabulary Strategies Mystery
25 questions / Wars of Religion Wars and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe Enlightenment Thinkers England Christmas in Europe Through the Ages
25 questions / Road to Revolution Declaration of Independence Revolution Constitution and Articles Important People
25 questions / boissons petit-déjeuner déjeuner dîner dessert
25 questions / The Renaissance & Reformation European Wars of Religion Seventeenth & Eighteenth Century Absolutism The New Science European Enlightenment
25 questions / Muslims Islamic Caliphates Early Middle Ages High and Late Middle Ages Crusades
25 questions / The World in 1700 Development of Modern Political Thought Nationalism & Revolutions The Industrial Revolution Imperialism
25 questions / Vocab Terms 1 Vocab Terms 2 Founding Fathers and Our First Crises Critical Thinking Constitution
25 questions / Important People Seven Years' War Things the British did leading to the Revolutionary War Revolutionary War Government Post-Revolution
16 questions / Terms and People Battles Questions about the battles Significance of the battles
25 questions / Teacher Terms LING a Ding Ding Justin Bieber's 2010 smash hit SLA(y) Skibidi Toilette
35 questions / Religion Asia and Africa Rome and Middle Ages Scientific Revolution Reformation The French Islamic Golden Age
25 questions / Toss-up (others) Grammar Vocab (amusant park) Vocab (adjectives) Verbs
35 questions / Renaissance Age of Exploration Reformation Era Absolutism & Constitutionalism Sci. Rev. & Enlightenment French Rev. & Nap. Era Misc.
25 questions / Spanish Colonization French/Dutch/English Colonies New England/Middle/Southern Colonies Colonial Society Trade and Government
25 questions / La Maison La Famille Le Sport L'ecole L'alimentation
25 questions / Declaration of Independence Rising Tensions On The Battlefront Terms Important Figures
25 questions / Christmas traditions Christmas movies Christmas songs Christmas food Random Christmas Questions