25 questions / UN/MUN Security Council Geography Pop Culture General
25 questions / sweets!!!! Beverages!!! Random!!! slogans!!!! canned food!!!!
18 questions / SAIT Land Acknowledgement Canada Economic Reconciliation Colonial Lens First Contact
25 questions / "FUN" Location? Whos that guy? Trading? Other
15 questions / Religion Enlightenment Thinkers Power & Politics
25 questions / Ethnic Foods Snacks Holiday Foods Drinks Fast Foods
25 questions / Body Parts Unhealthy What hurts expressions/symptoms emotions/feelings grammaire
25 questions / The Bride The Groom The Couple The Wedding Rory
16 questions / Holidays and religion Language and music Food and Art Fashion and Architecture
25 questions / CANDY CHIEF PLAYERS FOOD MOVIES THINGS TO DO 1 similar game
25 questions / etre Devoir+infinitive Aller Aller+infinitive Miscellaneous
25 questions / Australia India New Zealand Canada USA
25 questions / Holidays Music Disney Famous Places World topics
25 questions / Geography Asian Animals Math sponge Bob Kids Random
25 questions / Rhythms Instruments Music Math Note Reading Other Music
25 questions / Valentines Day Statistics Valentines Day Gifts Valentines Day Valentines Day Trivia Famous Couples
25 questions / Candy Trivia 1 Trivia 2 Finish the Disney quote... School Stuff
25 questions / Couples Candy/Food Movies Gifts Valentine's Day
25 questions / Fill In the Blank Terms/People Geography Explorers Random
25 questions / Capitals Exports Continents Neighbours Lucky Dip
20 questions / Mint Cilantro Oregano Marigold
25 questions / Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Random
25 questions / Science History Math Movies Geography
25 questions / Italien Uppfinnare/grundare Sport Mat USA
9 questions / Combinations Misc. Counting Probability
25 questions / Dawy 101 Riyadh Bound Famous Sayings Dawy&friends Sports Fanatics
30 questions / Geography The Middle Colonies The New England Colonies The Southern Colonies Growth of Democracy The Enlightenment