25 questions / Identify the Attention Grabber Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 1-3 Bud, Not Buddy Chapters 4-6 Coordinating Conjunctions For, Yet & So Coordinating Conjunctions And, Nor, Or, & But
25 questions / Romantic Movies Celebrity Couples Love Songs Candy Match Jay Trivia
25 questions / Historical Facts Innovations/Inventions Music Facts Chrisitan Facts Cinema/TV
25 questions / Scene-it Music Medical Going to town Talking numbers
25 questions / Sporty Spice Music Madness TV Time machine Movie Magic Pop Culture 101
25 questions / Before & After Famous Brads Sports? Kevin?! "ELLE"-MNOP
25 questions / Sports Movies Television Shows Music Academics
20 questions / Horror/Thriller Action Adventure Animated
25 questions / Horror Comedy Animation Action Suspense
25 questions / Musical Horror Comedy Action Romantic
25 questions / Superhero TV Shows Movies From the 2010s Horror Games/Franchises Countries by Cities LGBT Celebrities
20 questions / Dialogue Interview Etiquette Punctuation Active/Passive & Object/Subject
25 questions / EXLP Emojis (Movies) Random Horror Movies Riddles
25 questions / Animals in Internet Notification/UI Sounds Gay Culture WPI Statistics Our Favorite Entertainers
30 questions / Horror at the Academy One Nomination, One Win Oscar Records Best Picture Nominees: Spot the Fake Title Documentary Features Riddle Me, Miscellaneous
25 questions / Personalities Physical Traits PS vs PC State vs Action Verbs Bonus
15 questions / Name the genre Name the genre True/ False
25 questions / Movie TV Shows Music Epic Superhero
15 questions / fill in the blank guess the noun guess the verb
25 questions / Screams & Scenes Baller/Shot Caller Noob or Pro? Heart-Break Hotel All About the Host
25 questions / U.S. History WW2 Geography Pop Culture Movie Music