35 questions / General knowledge about languages English Languages - trivia Languages - facts Why are they called "false friends"? Lost in Translation "Day of the Languages" in different languages (from around the globe)
25 questions / People Spanish American War Foreign Policy Imperalism Latin America
25 questions / Exploration Spanish Colonial Mexican National Republic of Texas Mixed Up
20 questions / Hernando De Soto European Exploration Spanish Mission American Indians 1 similar game
25 questions / Classics Christmas Pop Christmas Movie Songs Some Spanish/English Some Spanish/English
25 questions / Los Verbos Food/ La Comida Telling time/ El tiempo Prepositions/ las preposiciones Los Animales/las mascotas
25 questions / People & Places @ School Family & Professions Telling the Time & Date Irregular Verbs Interrogatives & Present Tense
25 questions / -ar -er -ir ser Challenge
24 questions / Navidad Puerto Rico 2 Puerto Rico 3 Puerto Rico 4 Puerto Rico 5
25 questions / The Verb ESTAR La Familia The Verb Gustar The Verb Estudiar The Verb Hablar
25 questions / Mandatos Tú Por vs. Para Reciprocal Reflexies Vocabulario Misterio
25 questions / Time Classroom objects Emotions School subjects Mixed
25 questions / Actividades de vacaciones Lugares turísticos Lodging y servicios Vocabulario del pasado Repaso de español I
30 questions / Verbos definiciones Verbos definiciones Verbos en contexto AR Verbos en contexto ER/IR Oraciones Oraciones
25 questions / Kids Christmas Adults Christmas Family Christmas Movies Spanish Christmas
25 questions / Spanish in the Americas Chesapeake New England Conflict Religion
25 questions / Meat Factories Immigration Spanish American War Woman Suffrage Prohibition
20 questions / Reconstruction Native Americans I.R. and Progressivism Spanish-American War
25 questions / Spanish Colonies Virginia Colony Plymouth French and Dutch MISC
25 questions / Vocabulary True/False Spanish Texas Mexican Texas Texas Revolution
25 questions / WWI WWII Spanish Civil War Chinese Civil War Mao
25 questions / Imperialism Hawaii Spanish-American War WWI Unit 2 Potpourri
25 questions / Imperialism Spanish-American War Diplomacy WWI - Start WWI - End
25 questions / Famous Dogs Northeast Ohio Spanish words Hodge Podge Food
20 questions / Spanish Phrases (easy) Spanish Phrases (dificult) Grammar Festivos
20 questions / Spain Action words Spanish foods Day of the dead
25 questions / tener vs ser vs estar family members er & ir verb conjugation possessive adjectives Ms. Fluet fun facts
25 questions / saludos y despedidas verbos en presente paises y capitales el tiempo días y meses
25 questions / Units 1+2 Geography Units 1+2 Populations Units 1+2 Famous People Units 1+2 Random Easy Units 1+2 Radom hard
25 questions / The Conquerers The Conquered Land-Based Diet Oh my God 1 similar game
25 questions / Key figures Early stages of the conquest Aftermath of the conflict Aztec Society and Culture Aztec Religion and Beliefs
35 questions / Mi familia es tu familia Rutinas regulares Cool comparaciones Súper superlativos Imperfectamente imperfecto Conjugación estación Gramática genial
25 questions / No Sabo History Truth or False "Name the Movie" Christmas
25 questions / Regular Future Verbs- define and conjugate Irregular Verbs Future Phrases Pretérito Perfecto Cultura
25 questions / Vocabulary Descriptive adjectives Possessive adjectives Present tense of regular -er and -ir verbs Present tense of tener and venir
25 questions / Pronouns Adjectives Ar verbs Ser and Tener Vocab
23 questions / Supplies Coming and Going Habits To be or To have, that is the question ¿Cómo es...?
30 questions / Las clases Los saludos Los números Días de la semana Los verbos