25 questions / Spelling Grammar Vocabulary Parts of a speech Miscellaneous
25 questions / grammatiske betegnelser på engelsk Tid/Tense Ordklasser på dansk Sammentrækning Idiomer
16 questions / Präsens Präteritum Perfekt Starke und schwache Verben
25 questions / PC vs Imparfait PC Etre vs Avoir PC Notes 2 Notes 3
25 questions / Irregular Verbs 1 Irregular Verbs 2 Irregular Verbs 3 Irregular Verbs 4 Irregular Verbs 5
25 questions / Indefinite/Definite Articles Interrogative Words Al, Del , Personal a Gustar Telling Time
25 questions / Phrasal verbs of attitude and opinion Phrases and verbs of attitude and agreement Verbs with dependent prepostition Rephrase Fill the gap
25 questions / Modal verbs Passive Verb+ing or to Noun, verb, adjective + preposition Phrasal verbs
25 questions / Regular Future Verbs- define and conjugate Irregular Verbs Future Phrases Pretérito Perfecto Cultura
25 questions / Principal Parts Active or Passive Troublesome Verbs Transitive and Intransitive Linking Verbs Galore
15 questions / Phrasal Verbs for Managing the Call Phrasal Verbs for Starting the Call Meetings
12 questions / Familiar Tu Commands Reciprical Reflexives Stressed possessives Random vocab
25 questions / Passé Composé L'imparfait Passé composé vrs. L'imparfait Vocabulaire Voyageons!
25 questions / Lexis Grammar Phrasal verbs Mistakes Random
25 questions / Clauses & Phrases Diagramming What type? Parts of Speech Miscellaneous
25 questions / Basics Design & Formatting Skills and Achievements Job-Specific Strategies Pitfalls
24 questions / Transitive/Intransitive Irregular Verbs Linking Verb Verb Forms Verb Phrases
25 questions / Possessive Nouns Argumentative Essays Main and Helping Verbs Classmates 1 Classmates 2
25 questions / Definitions I-Messages Probing Situations Were You Paying Attention?
25 questions / Nouns vs Verbs Common vs Proper Nouns Singular vs Plural Nouns Sounds/Spellings Miscellaneous
25 questions / Past Perfect Past Simple Adj. Forms to Describe/Compare Quantifiers Vocab
25 questions / Pearls before Swine Stop! Grammar Time! Brain Break I Have it on Good Author-ity "Vocab Gab-Gab"
30 questions / Past Tenses Present Tenses Future Tenses Mixed Tenses Tense Transformation Logical questions
25 questions / Word Groups 1 Word Groups 2 Word Groups 3 Word Groups 4 Word Groups 5
25 questions / technologie - noms technologie - verbes infinitif + prépos reciprocal verbs le conditionnel
25 questions / 3.1 Vocabulario ¿Qué llevas? El Pretérito (-AR) Pt. 1 -CAR -GAR / -ZAR El Pretérito (-AR) Pt. 2
25 questions / Fundamentals Noun ID Verb ID Pronouns Adjectives
25 questions / verbs pronouns adjectives subjects objects
25 questions / Verbs Colors Foods Months Numbers
25 questions / Adjectives Verbs Grammar Sentences Vocabulary
20 questions / English verbs Basic Intermediate Advanced
20 questions / Grammar Explain Vocabulary Phrasal verbs