20 questions / Abilities possibilities Have to/Had to Must need to
25 questions / People Verbs People 2 Verbs Phrasal verbs
25 questions / Direct to reported Reported to direct Modals Reported questions Theory
25 questions / English irregular verbs 1 English irregular verbs 2 English irregular verbs 3 English irregular verbs 4 English irregular verbs 5
25 questions / modal verbs/money 1 modal verbs/money 2 modal verbs/money 3 modal verbs/money 4 modal verbs/money 5
15 questions / to have je, tu, il, nous, vous, ils Noun or Adjectif or Pronoun
25 questions / Present Tense in English OM Rap Cars Bikes
25 questions / ER & Ir Verbs Tener & Venir Possessive adjectives descriptive adjectives miscellaneous
25 questions / Professional Growth Negotiation and Persuasion Complex Relationships Decision-making Conflict Resolution
25 questions / what's that verb conjugate your verbs Name that subject How does it end Como se dice... 1 similar game
25 questions / Missing Preposition Missing Verb Used in Sentence Definition Business
25 questions / Identification in isolation Identification in context Formation in Latin Translation in English You can make it
25 questions / This Class Cities and Countries Movies and Series Your teacher English
25 questions / subjects & verbs time ser / estar adjectives adjectives part 2
25 questions / Sounds Clusters Pronounciation syllables Connected speech
25 questions / Er Verbs Ir Verbs Definitions Sentence Translations
25 questions / Vocabulary Grammar Culture Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2
25 questions / Ir 3A vocab Question words Servir/Pedir Food vocab
25 questions / Verb Vocabulary Verb Conjugation Verb Tense Days and Seasons Pronouns
25 questions / Perseus Latin Case Latin Participles Greco-Roman Mythology Verbs, Verbs, Verbs!
25 questions / verbos regulares verbos irregulares I verbos irregulares II -car,-gar,-zar verbs within verbs
20 questions / Imperfect Tense -ar verbs Imperfect Tense -er verbs Imperfect Tense -ir verbs Imperfect Tense Irregular verbs
25 questions / Present tense reflexive, indefinite/negative words preterite verbs like gustar vocabulary
15 questions / English Words Places Objects Sports Food
25 questions / Present tense verbs Super 7 Vocabulary Stem-changers Reading/Writing practice
25 questions / AR Verbs ER Verbs IR Verbs Translate to English Translate to Spanish
30 questions / Are You Smarter Than... (Math) Are You Smarter Than ...(American History) Are You Smarter Than ...(English) Are You Smarter Than A ... ?(Science) Are You Smarter Than A ...? (Geography) Are You Smarter Than A ...?(Movies)
25 questions / Present Simple Present continuous Past Simple Articles Prepositions of place and time
25 questions / Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of speech Parts of Speech 2 similar games
15 questions / Verbs 3rd Person Pronouns More Verbs Vocab/Derivatives Misc.
25 questions / Nouns Verbs Adjectives Sentence Errors What is Missing?
25 questions / Needn't have / Didn't need to Can't - Mustn't MIXED Ability in the past Degrees of certainty
25 questions / Alphabet/Spelling Personal Information Things in a Classroom Conjugation Translate
25 questions / Avoir/Etre -Er Verbs Family Adjectives Misc.