20 questions / ER verbs IR verbs RE verbs Est-ce que Inversion
16 questions / Vocabulario Er verb conjugations Oraciones Misc
25 questions / -AR verbs -ER verbs -IR verbs Miscellaneous 1 Miscellaneous 2
25 questions / Nouns Adjectives Adj & Verbs More Verbs Yes! EVEN MORE VERBS
25 questions / AR verbs ER verbs IR verbs subject pronouns verb conjugations
25 questions / Passé Composé Conjugations VANDERTRAMPP Negation Expressions Translations Who said that? (Funsies)
15 questions / Action Verbs action Verbs Sentences
25 questions / beginning blends nouns verbs -nch blends Punctuation
25 questions / book translation grammar one or two general missing letters
25 questions / Conjugation Tener Expressions Tener QUE expressions More Tener Expressions Using tener in a sentence
20 questions / Ability Obligation/Permission Possibility Advice
25 questions / Spanish What is the past of the verb? What is the past participle of the verb? complete the sentence complete the three columns of the verb
15 questions / Complete the Sentence Negative Sentences Yes/No Questions
25 questions / Past To Present 1 Present to Past 1 Past to Present 2 Present to Past 2 Surprise!
15 questions / Complete with a modal Unscramble the words Modals
25 questions / Author's Purpse Critical Thinking Communication Techniques Language / Word Structure Observation / Recognition
25 questions / Present Tense Verbs Past Tense Verbs Future Tense Verbs Helping and Linking Verbs Progressive Form
24 questions / Vocabulary Subjects and Verbs Conjunctions Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
25 questions / I-Y J Stem Stem changing U+I Car Gar Zar TED CHATS PPQV
25 questions / 1 2 3 4 Bonus - doppelt Punkte: Deutsches Wort deklinieren
25 questions / translation questions negative correct the mistake easy peasy
25 questions / Ejercicio Actividades Resistencia Duro Al Azar
25 questions / past and participle fill in the blank change the sentence odd one out uncommon verbs
25 questions / Can, could, will be able to May and might Complete the imperative sentences Must, have to, need to Vocabulary
25 questions / verbs nouns prepositions money phrasal verbs
25 questions / Phrasal verbs with BREAK Phrasal verbs with GET Phrasal verbs with GO Phrasal verbs with LOOK Phrasal verbs with PUT
25 questions / Past Tense Verbs Infinitive and Past Sentences with Regular Verbs Forming Questions with Regular Verbs Definitions
12 questions / Ability Obligation Possibility Permission/Requests