25 questions / Avoir Etre Aller Faire Fun Facts (NOT FRENCH RELATED)
25 questions / Direct to reported Reported to direct Modals Reported questions Theory
25 questions / Stem Changing verbs Shopping Vocabulary Conversation Skills Grammar Places & Transportation
25 questions / modal verbs/money 1 modal verbs/money 2 modal verbs/money 3 modal verbs/money 4 modal verbs/money 5
25 questions / what's that verb conjugate your verbs Name that subject How does it end Como se dice... 1 similar game
20 questions / Abilities possibilities Have to/Had to Must need to
24 questions / Ability Obligation Necessity/Isistence Possibility Permission/Requests
25 questions / Definitions Fill in the blank Synonyms or Explanations Translations Situational Questions
20 questions / Starting with "F/C" Starting with L/K Starting with "D/E/H" Starting with "S"
25 questions / People Verbs People 2 Verbs Phrasal verbs
6 questions / Irregular past tense verbs Participle verbs
25 questions / ER & Ir Verbs Tener & Venir Possessive adjectives descriptive adjectives miscellaneous
25 questions / Vocabulario I Vocabulario II Subjunctive: formation Verbs of emotion Doubt, disbelief, doubt, & denial OR belief & certainty
25 questions / Grammar 1 Grammar 2 Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 English facts
15 questions / to have je, tu, il, nous, vous, ils Noun or Adjectif or Pronoun
25 questions / Math History Science English Geography
25 questions / Noun/Pronoun Verb Adverb/Adjective Preposition Conjunction/Interjection
25 questions / subjects & verbs time ser / estar adjectives adjectives part 2
25 questions / This Class Cities and Countries Movies and Series Your teacher English
25 questions / VERB TENER VERB VENIR Ending VERBS Direct Object Direct Object Pronoun
25 questions / Identification in isolation Identification in context Formation in Latin Translation in English You can make it
15 questions / Complete the sentence Complete the sentence Complete the sentence
20 questions / Remember 3 forms Remember 3 forms Remember 3 forms Remember 3 forms
25 questions / Imperfect Infinitive Subjunctive Present Perfect/Future
25 questions / Complete a sentence Three tenses Unscramble the verb Conjugate the verb ¿Right or wrong?
25 questions / Er Verbs Ir Verbs Definitions Sentence Translations
25 questions / Conditional Present conditional conjugations Present conjugations Fill in
20 questions / A1-A2 Grammar Correct the mistakes Surprise Riddles
25 questions / vocabulaire 1 vocabulaire 2 la culture ce qui or ce que? les verbes réciproques
25 questions / Vocabulary Grammar Culture Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2