25 questions / Reflexive Verbs Future Simple: Regular Verbs Future Simple: Irregular Verbs Vocab Challenge Grammar Mix-Up
25 questions / Beowulf, and Grendels, and Dragons, oh my! Let's CanterBURY This Exam! Everyone Loves Grammar Macbeth: The Art of Going Insane Potpourri
25 questions / AR Verbs ER Verbs IR Verbs Conjugation Terms Sorpresa
15 questions / Past simple - regular verbs (+) Past simple - regular verbs (-) Past simple (?)
25 questions / Metalinguistic Development Predictable Books Genderlects Morphological Changes Reading Development
25 questions / Affirmative Commands Negative Commands Affirmative with Pronouns Negative with Pronouns Rules
20 questions / Vocab Present Tense Past Tense Present & Past Tense
25 questions / Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of speech Parts of Speech
25 questions / Translate into English Translate from English Name 3 forms Make a sentence Translate into English
25 questions / Definitions Sentence Formation Questions and Answers Common Mistakes Everyday Situations
25 questions / Adjectives Verbs Fill in the blanks Nouns Synonyms & Antonyms
25 questions / Pronouns Verbs Irregulars in the 'Yo' form Translations Prev. Vocabulary
25 questions / Chart A Chart C, E & F Chart H, I, J Charts K & L IEW & Math
25 questions / Vocabulario Stem changers Ropa y colores DOP Preguntas
25 questions / verbos -ar verbos -er/-ir los irregulares traducciones del inglés al español traducciones del español al inglés
8 questions / Victor Victoria Ms. Van Camp Lilly
25 questions / Noun Endings Nouns Change number Verb Translations Conjugate Verbs Multiple Choice
25 questions / French food French language French products French geography French history/culture
25 questions / -ER Verbs -IR verbs -RE verbs Translate 1 Surprise
25 questions / In Your Class Stevens Name That Music Artist No Place Like Home Do You Remember? ENG 199 Edition
30 questions / What Sound Do These Δίψηφα Φωνήεντα Make? Plural Pronouns Verbs Double consonant Vocabulary
25 questions / Unidad 1 Unidad 2 Unidad 3 Comodín fácil Comodín difícil
25 questions / What's the phrasal? Guess the meaning Complete the phrasal What's the phrasal? Random
25 questions / Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Simple Past Continuous
25 questions / Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Stem Changing Verbs To Be Voy A
20 questions / Qué quehaceres haces en casa? (What chores do you do at home?) Con qué frecuenia? (How often?) Que haces en tu tiempo libre? (What do you do in your free time?) What is the infinitive verb of....?
25 questions / Vocabulary I Vocabulary II Grammar I Grammar II General
12 questions / Mistakes Fun facts about.. Name 1 similar game
25 questions / Moroni Christmas Movie Quotes Moroni 1-6 Christmas song lyrics Kahoot
25 questions / Polish into English 1 Polish into English 2 vocab 3 English into Polish 4 English into Polish 5
25 questions / Synonyms Definitions Collocations Phrasal Verbs Prefix-Suffix
25 questions / Resume Basics Interview Skills Workplace Etiquette Teamwork Time Management
24 questions / Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 General Knowledge
18 questions / Chart A Chart C Charts E & F Charts I, J, K & L IEW & Math
25 questions / Past Tense Past Tense Past Participle Past Participle Past Participle
25 questions / English B1 Mistakes English B1+ Name 3 Mistakes
25 questions / Nouns Pronouns Verbs Preposition Adjectives