25 questions / French Colours French Numbers French Classroom Items French Days of the Week Est-ce que je peux? Expressions
25 questions / French to English 1 French to English 2 English to French 1 English to French 2 Mixed Bag
25 questions / French Revolution Stage I French Revolution Stage I & II French Revolution Stage II & III French Revolution Specifics CVHS
20 questions / English to french French to english Translations Sentence in french/ some words
20 questions / Causes French Revolution Events French Revolution People French Revolution Reign of Terror 1 similar game
14 questions / french music instruments french music history french music timeline
25 questions / Rhyming Words French to English English to French What Comes Next? French Colours
25 questions / French Culture Disney en Francais Places in France Films in French French Celebs
25 questions / French Math French Holidays French Family Sentence Translation (Present) Phrase Translation (Passe Compose)
25 questions / Months of the Year Family Members in French French Calendar French Numbers Weather
25 questions / French School Subjects French to Eng Les Nombres telling the time French Verbs
25 questions / Les nombres Classes in French Time telling in french Verbs Sports in french
25 questions / physical traits Adjectives Personality traits Adjectives questions in French French numbers French colors 1 similar game
25 questions / Art Nouveau Glass French Antiques Iconic French Makers Techniques & Styles French Decorative Arts
25 questions / English to French English to French French to English food French to English Describing words/Adjectives
25 questions / Enlightenment French Revolution Video French Revolution: Part Deux French Revolution: Part III Vocab
25 questions / Famous French Women French Cartoon Characters French Artists Famous Landmarks Famous Historical Figures
25 questions / French Numbers 0-10 French Colours # 1 French Colours #2 Greetings Check In
25 questions / French Language French Revolution The Paris World's Fair French Cuisine Landmarks of France
60 questions / Renaissance/Reformation Exploration Absolutism Enlightenment/French Revolution French Revolution French Revolution Part II 2 similar games
24 questions / English to French French to English Les directions Méli-mélo All Other French
24 questions / Enlightenment French Revolution French Revolution cont. French Revolution Continued: enlightenment more of it
25 questions / Modern Science Music & Art French Rev. I French Rev. II French Rev. III
25 questions / French to English English to French English to French p. 2 Themes Writing
25 questions / Culinary Techniques French Dishes French Desserts | French Cooking Terms Bread Making Mother Sauces
25 questions / French Culture Histoire/politique Noël Vocabulary: French to English Vocabulary: English To French
25 questions / French Food/Cuisine French Fashion Famous Francophones French TV and Movies Francophone countries 1 similar game
20 questions / Pre-French Rev French Rev Industrial Halloween
25 questions / What does it mean? (words in French) What does it mean? (French sentences) French Weather random! French seasons Can you say this in French?
25 questions / Vocab - French to English Vocab - English to French Avoir Sentence Translation French to English Sentence Translation English to French
25 questions / French Landmarks Former French Colonies Common English expressions with french origins légumes animals
25 questions / French Conversation Mandarin Conversation French Daily Words Mandarin Daily Words French & Mandarin Numbers
25 questions / The Eiffel Tower Paris French Greetings French Colours Days and Months in French 1 similar game
25 questions / Asking Questions French Grammar Translations Vocabulary: French to English Vocabulary: English To French
25 questions / French Revolution 1 French Revolution 2 French Revolution 3 Napoleon 1 Napoleon 2
25 questions / French Greetings Spanish Classroom Objects French/Spanish Numbers French Classroom Objects Spanish Greetings
25 questions / French to English English to French English to French P. 2 Themes Writing
25 questions / Christianity Reformation Glorious Revolution American & French French & Ideologies
23 questions / French Culture Vocabulary Grammar Translation French Q/A
30 questions / Vocab French Pronouns French Emotions Mixed Bag Verbs
25 questions / Greetings Saying Goodbye French Numbers French Culture Random