23 questions / French Words in English Cultural Links with the French Modern Links with the French More Cultural Links with the French The French Language
15 questions / French 1 (Simple) French 2 (Medium) French 3 (HARD)
14 questions / French to English English to French French Sentences.
25 questions / Foods Activities French Monuments French language Animals
25 questions / Politics Fashion Art French Slang French Expressions
25 questions / Monuments Geography Culture French food French Language
22 questions / French Vocabulary French Landmarks Family Activities Food
25 questions / French to English 1 French to English 2 English to French 1 English to French 2 Mixed Bag!!
25 questions / French to English (Food) French to English (Gifts) English to French (Food) English to French (Gifts) Rearranging Questions
13 questions / French - English English - French French - English
25 questions / french to english animals english to french foods french to english movie titles english to french tv shows french to english cow breads
18 questions / English to French English to French French to English French to English
18 questions / English to French English to French French to English French to English
25 questions / French French English English English
25 questions / French English French English French 1 similar game
25 questions / French stuff French stuff French stuff French stuff French stuff
25 questions / Vocabulary (French to English) Vocabulary (English to French) Verbs (French to English) Verbs (English to French) Future Tense
25 questions / French to English 1 French to English 2 English to French 1 English to French 2 Mixed Bag
25 questions / English to French Verbs French to English verbs Other verbs English to French nouns French to English nouns
25 questions / French Revolution Stage I French Revolution Stage I & II French Revolution Stage II & III French Revolution Specifics CHS
20 questions / Translating Phrases Days in French Months in French Colours in French Weather
15 questions / French English French and English
25 questions / French Companies In The U.S. Furthering Your French... Top 30 Languages Fun French Trivia I Can Speak French!
25 questions / English to French 1 English to French 2 French to English 1 French to English 2 N'importe quoi! 1 similar game
25 questions / French Colours French Numbers French Classroom Items French Days of the Week Est-ce que je peux? Expressions 1 similar game
25 questions / Famous French Folks La Nourriture et Les Boissons French Itself All Things French and France Miscellaneous French Tings
25 questions / Enlightenment Ideas Enlightenment People French Revolution Terms French Revolution Events French Revolution People
25 questions / Age of Reason French Revolution British Revolutions French Revolution Again More French Revolution
25 questions / Conjunctions English to French French to English food French to English Quantity Words
25 questions / Grade 4 (french) Grade 5(french) Grade 6(french) Riddles 1 Riddles 2
60 questions / Renaissance/Reformation Exploration Absolutism Enlightenment/French Revolution French Revolution French Revolution Part II
25 questions / Random Music Random Sports French Revolution 1 French Revolution 2 French Revolution 3
25 questions / Insane!!! English To French French To English Masculine French To English Femine Random
25 questions / Famille - masculine English - French Famille - Feminine English - French Pets English to French Adjectifs English - French EXTREME ANIMALS ENGLISH - FRENCH DO NOT TRY TO ANSWER
25 questions / French to English 1 French to English 2 English to French 1 English to French 2 Mixed Bag!