25 questions / French Society French Leaders Main Issues Revolution Vocab
25 questions / Food Geography French Inventions Brands Movies in French
25 questions / French words Sentences Faire Jouer Mixed French Vocab
25 questions / English to French 1 English to French 2 French to English 1 French to English 2 Masculin ou Féminin
25 questions / Pre-20th c. French People post-20th c. French People Important Events in French History Vocabulary Common French Idioms
25 questions / Avoir: English to French Etre: English to French Avoir: French to English Etre: French to English Etre ou Avoir
30 questions / French To English (General) English to French (NUMBERS 1-100) French Food Famous People (ANY) Random French Questions (EITHER YOU'RE LUCKY OR NOT!) French Verbs
25 questions / Vocabulary French to English Vocabulary English to French Vocabulary French to English Vocabulary English to French Vrai ou Faux
25 questions / Avoir: English to French Etre: English to French Avoir: French to English Etre: French to English Etre ou Avoir
20 questions / French #'s French #'s French #'s French #'s French #'s
19 questions / Italian/French French Spanish Greek/Arabic Other
20 questions / Translate French to English 1 Translate English to French 1 French to English 2 English to French 2
15 questions / French History French verbs French Countries/Locations around the world
15 questions / French to English English to French Sentences English to French
23 questions / Colors Greetings Canadian Culture French Artists French Culture
25 questions / Northwest Passage Christopher Columbus French Colonies Spaniards French
25 questions / Avoir Avoir Expressions Pronouns French - English English - French
25 questions / French Verbs French Foods Class Happenings Shrek Evil
15 questions / English to French French to English Some French some English
25 questions / Napoleon + FR More French Revolution and Some Napoleon Another French Revolution Still the French Revolution And The French Revolution
25 questions / French Food French measurements Articles Culture Spelling changes
25 questions / France Social Classes French Revolution French Craziness 1789
24 questions / Spain French The French/Indian War Map General
25 questions / Monarchs Vocabulary Scientists French Revolution French Revolution II
25 questions / French Greetings Numéros français Animaux Nourriture French Geography
25 questions / Greetings French Culture French Facts Random Vocab Colors
25 questions / Masculin/ feminin English-> French French -> English Culture Geographie
25 questions / Greetings Saying Goodbye French Numbers French Culture Random
25 questions / French Food Geography French Language Douglas College Random
25 questions / French to English 0-20 English to French 0-20 French to English 21-30 English to French 21-30 French to English 30-49
25 questions / French Speaking Countries French History Foods Animals Clothing 1 similar game
25 questions / Adjectives Family Structure Occupations French-English English-French
25 questions / games movie sports french or french multi language
25 questions / Slave Trade Absolutism Enlightenment French Revolution French Rev2
25 questions / French-> English English->French Technique Poses & Definitions People
25 questions / Colors Food Animals French Speaking Places French Designers
25 questions / Masculin/ feminin English-> French French -> English Culture Geographie
24 questions / Greetings Saying Goodbye French Numbers French Culture Random