25 questions / Businesses and Innovations Progressive Era Twentieth Century World War I National Identity
25 questions / Verbs Nouns Adjectives Verb Grammar Rules Noun Grammar Rules
25 questions / Important people Domestic Policies Watergate Scandal Foreign Policies Miscellaneous
18 questions / Vocab Important Acts Important Events Important Groups
7 questions / Super Words & Phrases Dream Jobs & Future Fun!
15 questions / Comprehension Concept Vocabulary Analyze the Text
26 questions / I Have a Plan! (Act 1) Salesperson For Sale (Acts 2-3) Gonna Tell You A Story (Acts 3-6) The Kumbaya Moment (Acts 4-7) Show Me The Money! (Acts 6-9)
25 questions / Theories Policy's Effects on families Cultural Effects Effects on Healthcare
20 questions / Legal Personality Types of Companies Incorporation of company Ultra Vires
25 questions / British Policies and Acts Slogans and Ideas Lead up to Revolution People British v Colonists
25 questions / Government Actions Social Reforms Key Figures Policies Local trivia (not on the exam)
25 questions / Acts Famous Colonists Declaration of Independence Revolutionary War Treaty of Paris
25 questions / Geography Work, Exchange, Technology Politics and Power Role in the World Migration and Settlement
25 questions / Infection Control Jurisprudence Radiology Mixed Benchmark
25 questions / Unit 6.1-6.3 Unit 6.4-6.6 Unit 6.7-6.10 Unit 7.1-7.3 Unit 7.4
25 questions / French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763 Acts Boston Massacre Random
25 questions / Benefits Deductions Pension Centre Legislation Eligibility
25 questions / Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Vocabulary Key Figures First Continental Congress
25 questions / American Revolution #1 American Revolution # 2 American Revolution # 3 American Revolution # 4 American Revolution # 5
25 questions / People 1 People 2 Groups Acts/Laws Grab Bag
15 questions / Parenting Styles Child Abuse Facts Divorce Stats
20 questions / WWII Start of Cold War Cold War Expands 1950s
25 questions / The War of 1812 Daily Life: Upper/Lower Canada City vs. Country life The Common School Act Abolition of Slavery
25 questions / Great Depression 1 Great Depression 2 Great Depression/New Deal New Deal 1 New Deal 2
25 questions / The Rise of Dictatorships in Europe The German invasion in Poland Continuing Isolationism & Neutrality Acts Lend-Lease Act Four Freedom & Atlantic Charter
15 questions / Amendments Access Restrictions Legislation
25 questions / Basic Vocab Important People Taxes! & Acts Battles Potpourri
25 questions / Revolutionary War 1 Revolutionary War 2 Revolutionary War 3 Revolutionary War 4 Revolutionary War 5
25 questions / Precedents Acts of Congress Founding Fathers Conflict Constitutional Concerns 2 similar games
15 questions / Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Famous Federal Cases Tools of the Trade Federal Police Around the World Federal Police History
15 questions / Mga Tao Ahensiya ng Pamahalaan Mga Batas at Patakaran
20 questions / True/False Fill in the Blank Fill the Blank 2 Name that thing!
20 questions / Laws and Agreements Transportation methods Mexican-American war Random
25 questions / Important people General terms Amendments, laws and acts Definitions Test your knowledge
25 questions / random random random random random
20 questions / Who am I? Tragedy of Julius Caesar Quotes Julius Caesar Facts Important Scenes
9 questions / DEI Frameworks Affirmative Action Concepts
15 questions / Candaian charter of rights and freedoms Rooted in the past NOtes that are important
25 questions / Palliative Care, Hospice, and Physician-Assisted Suicide The 6 C's Approach Grief Advance Care Directives Miscellaneous