25 questions / Greetings Etre Verbs ER Verbs Culture School Vocab
25 questions / Common Classroom Phrases Numbers être School Supplies Classrooms
25 questions / New Exploration French and Indian War Claimed Lands First Early Colonies Colonies
25 questions / Absolute monarchs The Enlightenment The American Revolution The French Revolution Latin American Revolutions
25 questions / grammar days/month numbers Colors brain teasers
25 questions / Europeans in Canada French and Indian War + Quebec Act The Confederation The BNA Act!! The Red River Resistance
25 questions / World Capitals Food General Culture Famous People Vocabulary in French/Spanish
25 questions / Road to Revolution Taxes & Acts Colonies War Random
25 questions / People Acts Battles/Events Misc. Misc. 2
25 questions / Let's Start at the Very Beginning... Vive la Révolution! To the LEFT, to the RIGHT Which came first? WiLd CaRd
25 questions / How Gourmet Guess Who French Disney Characters Copy Cat Guess the song
25 questions / Borrowed from French Latin and Greek Roots Semantic Changes Phonetic Assimilation Old English Origins
25 questions / Vocabulary People Events This or That Anything Goes
25 questions / Holiday Vocab Celebrations Holiday Dates Winter Sports Holiday Foods
25 questions / Français Facil Nombres Jours et Mois Traduction Random
20 questions / Important Events Key Figures Causes Outcomes
25 questions / Avoir/Etre IR/ER/RE Any French Nicknames Others
25 questions / Enlightenment French Revolution Industrial Revolution Nationalism and Unification Imperialism
25 questions / Verbs Conjugate ER-Cuisiner True or False In French
25 questions / Industrial Revolution French Revolution Haitian Revolution Russian Revolution Other
25 questions / Scientific Revolution Enlightenment French Revolution Industrial Revolution & isms Imperialism
12 questions / weather in french weather in english fun facts colours
25 questions / French Revolution Industrial Revolution World War One Russia Christmas
25 questions / French Revolution World War 2 Global Math Country’s Capital
25 questions / Three Estates Major Events Maximilien Robespierre French Monarchs Miscellaneous
20 questions / Scientific Rev & Enlightenment French Revolution Industrial Revolution Miscellaneous Revolutions
25 questions / Scientific Revolution Enlightenment American Revolution French Revolution It's Christmas!
25 questions / Enlightenment French Revolution Industrial Revolution Imperialism World War I 12 similar games
20 questions / Regular ER Regular RE Regular IR Endings
9 questions / Table Ronde 1 Table Ronde 2 Table Ronde 3
25 questions / -ER Verbs numbers 1-50 les pronoms ER - Endings Les expressions
15 questions / Multiculturalism in Canada Multiculturalism Day Cultural components Facts Random
20 questions / French and Indian War Acts and Taxes Documents Events
25 questions / IT Music & Film History & Geography English & French General Knowledge
25 questions / Nation States & War Enlightenment European Society French Revolution Napoleon