25 questions / Mots Fréquents Verbes Adjectifs Terminaison de Verbes Personnes
20 questions / Famille Simple Addition Adjectives (traduire) Verbs
25 questions / French Revolution 1 Random facts ICONS/Influencers from the revolution Pre-Revoltion/C auses Death
25 questions / Semi-regular verbs Irregular verbs Food names Adj. Helper verbs
25 questions / Place, Myself Physical Descriptions Character Descriptions Adjectives/Qualities Friend Descriptions
25 questions / Vocabulaire Vocabulaire 2 La France Les Etats-Unis Potpourri de grammaire
25 questions / Estate your name (Pre-Revolutionary France) Everything in Moderation (The Moderate Stage) Its Reigning Terror (The Radical Stage) The Man of Destiny (Napoleon) When it's Over (Post-Revolution)
25 questions / The beginning Definitions and Documents More Troubles and divisions More revolution, foreign powers, and people Random
15 questions / avoir ir re er etre random other random
25 questions / Snow Gear Decorations Around the Tree All about snow Misc. Christmas
25 questions / Causes of the Revolution Results of the Revolution Reign of Terror Protestors Random
25 questions / Mots fréquents Les Fêtes Questions Verbes Actions (verbe)
25 questions / Causes of the French Revolution Key Figures Revolutionary Events Life in Revolutionary France Ideas and Documents
25 questions / conjugation vocabulary grammar brain teasers epicerie
25 questions / meanings emotion er verbs parties du corps brain teasers
25 questions / Questions/Answers Colours Numbers to 30 Translate Other
25 questions / Vocabulary Vocab and Land Claims Leaders and the Lay of the Land The slave trade and the Code Noir Lagniappe
20 questions / Figures Events of the Revolution The Estates Government/Groups
25 questions / Les pronoms Les nombres Les couleurs Les jours et mois Les dates
25 questions / Remembrance Day Greetings Responses Random Les objets de classe
25 questions / Identités Partage de la planete Experiences Ingénosité humaine Santé
25 questions / conjugation expressions avec avoir random brain teasers 1 brain teasers 2
25 questions / Hodgson Fruits Le cinéma les boissons La nourriture
25 questions / Age of Exploration Settlement French and Indian War Vocab Geography
25 questions / Review French & Indian War (1) F & I (2) Causes of the Revolutionary War Taxes/Acts
20 questions / Fancy French Foods Art and Entertainment Fashion and Style Travel and Transportation
12 questions / Aléas climatiques Vocabulaire de l'article Solutions au réchauffement climatique
25 questions / Les courses Dans mon sac à dos Les fournitures et les couleurs Mes opinions Ce que j'ai besoin
25 questions / Vocabulary Causes Events People End of the Revolution
25 questions / Big Events Governmental Bodies People of the Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte Vocabulary
25 questions / Physical 1 colour Personality F Physical 2 Personality H
25 questions / avoir useful phrases random vocabulary random verbs more random vocab
25 questions / ~Holidays~ Mathématiques What's the question? Fix the Sentence ?????????????
25 questions / Vocabulaire Expressions Autour du monde Verbes Chansons
25 questions / 13 Colonies Taxes and Acts Road to Revolution Pilgrims Random
25 questions / French to English Eng to Fr statistiques Raisons pour apprendre une langue Raisons pour apprendre une langue 2 French to English 2
25 questions / Spanish Colonization French Colonization English Colonization Places (That May or May Not Exist) Words of the Day
20 questions / French & Indian War Causes of the War Acts of Resistance Geography
25 questions / Colors Body Parts Places in The city 5th French Republic direct objects
25 questions / Le Cinéma/Representation L'Art et Le Literature La Cuisine Le Monde Francophone Aléatoire!
17 questions / Needs Assessment SMART Goals Problem and Issues Barriers & Ethical Issues BONUS
25 questions / Le temps Les objets de classe et les couleurs Avoir et Être avant/après Les prépositions de lieu
25 questions / Church Plague Crusades 100yr War Who knows??