25 questions / The Commune The Coalition & Napoleonic Misc The Reign of Terror Post-Robespierre Napoleon
25 questions / Salem Native Conflicts ??? Mystery ??? Great Awakening More on the French & Indian War
25 questions / Nombres Mois Jours Salutations Introductions
25 questions / Vocabulary Lunch! The Bus Stop A Filthy Rat The Bus
25 questions / Est-ce que c'est avoir ou etre Verbes en -ER Verbes en -IR Verbes en -RE Les faites francophone
20 questions / Acts and Taxes People and Places Let's go on a Date! Random Things
25 questions / Les membres de la famille Les descriptions de la famille Les questions sur la famille L’âge et les nombres Les goûts et préférencesName
25 questions / Money Money Money Slavery in Virginia The French and Indian War People Definitions
25 questions / Regular -RE verbs Regular -RE verb conjugation Regular -ER verbs Regular -ER verb conjugation Regular -IR verbs
25 questions / Enlightenment Principles Causes of Revolution Revolution Inspirations Revolution Outcomes Revolution Leaders
25 questions / Famous Explorers: Famous Missionaries and Religious Figures Indians of Canada Discoveries in the New World: Vocabulary
25 questions / Vocab. FAMILLE Adj. possessifs Adj. descriptifs VERBES CULTURE
25 questions / Architecture Cuisine Art Famous Figures Random Facts
25 questions / present tense past participle translate present tense1 msc
25 questions / S.S Mixed 1 S.S Mixed 2 S.S Mixed 3 S.S Mixed 4 S.S Mixed 5
25 questions / Endings Infinitive Meanings In the Positive In the Negative Translations
25 questions / Numbers 1-10 Numbers 11-20 Greetings Colors More greetings
20 questions / War of 1812 The Great Migration Rebellion in the 13 Colonies French and First Nations Treaties and Signed Documents
25 questions / Laws People of the Revolution Strategies and Actions Word-Play Trivia
25 questions / Revolutionary Rockstars Enlightenment Energy French Rev Facts Strong Opinions Government 101
20 questions / French & Indian War The Proclamation of 1763 Stamp Act Townshend Act + Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party
25 questions / Early Napoleon Napoleon Reforms Rise of Napoleon Napoleon in Russia Fall of Napoleon
15 questions / Key Figures Important battles Historical Documents Major Events French Involvement
25 questions / passe compose facts endings and past participles sentences and phrases time frames irregulars
25 questions / Impressionist Painters Mardi Gras 5 French speaking countries of Europe Royal Residences of the kings of France Non-French artists associated with France
25 questions / Translate the Sentence (French to English) Translate the Sentence (English to French) Conjugate the Verb (Regular) Conjugate the Verb (irregular) Make a Sentence
20 questions / Vocabulary Cooperation and Conflict Spanish Explorers French and English Explorers
25 questions / Vocabulary French and Indian War Rights of an Englishman Vocabulary Miscellaneous
30 questions / Places Activities Contractions with a Conjunctions -er verbs English > French
25 questions / SSE Entertainment & Pop Culture History & Geography Life & Society Sport & Leisure
25 questions / Age of Revolution English Civil War French Revolution Enlightenment Thinkers Napoleon & Haitian Revolution
25 questions / Culture of Latin America Geography of Latin America Latin American People History of Latin America History of Canada
26 questions / The Americas The Caribbean Europe Indian O & Antarctic Pacific FINAL JEOPARDY
20 questions / Simple Present + Simple Present - Simple Present (+) Simple Present (-)
30 questions / Monarchy Monarchy Enlightenment Enlightenment Revolutions Revolutions Revolutions
20 questions / Aiding Allies Key Battles The Interests of the Leaders Important People and Gadgets
25 questions / Enlightenment Thoughts Enlightenment Thinkers American Revolution French Revolution Last Unit
20 questions / The Enlightenment French Revolution Scientific Revolution Scientific Revolution Part 2
25 questions / Art History British Empire Famous Leaders French Revolution Famous Affairs 1 similar game
25 questions / Imperialism Industrial Revolution Age of Enlightenment Latin Revolution French Revolution
25 questions / Vocab Plains Tribes The French The Spanish Indian Removal Act