10 questions / Simple Present + Simple Present -
25 questions / đ€Radical Revolutionaries Napoleon Complex Vivacious Vocabulary National Ideas Who am I?
25 questions / Revolutionary War 1 Revolutionary War 2 Revolutionary War 3 Revolutionary War 4 Revolutionary War 5
16 questions / Put in correct order Correct the mistake Reduce if possible Correct or Incorrect? 1 similar game
25 questions / Nombres Mois Jours Salutations Introductions
25 questions / sports subjects the day events lunch time
25 questions / Age of Exploration Scientific Rev+ Enlightenment French Rev Haitian Rev Latin American Rev
20 questions / l'environnement modal verbs household chores reflexive verbs
25 questions / Asia and Africa in the 1800s Revolutions (Haiti, the USA, France, Latin America) Industrial Revolution German and Italian Unification People of the 1800s
25 questions / Revolutionary France Napoleon Haitian Revolution Unification in Italy and Germany Scramble for Africa
25 questions / French Revolution and Napoleon The Industrial Revolution The Age of Metternich Kings, Queens, and Politicians Modern Day Pop Culture
25 questions / Leaders of Colonial America Wars and Rebellions Building the Constitution Proclamations, Treaties, Acts and Ordinances Economics
25 questions / Vive La Revolution! The Ballet Let's Grab a Coffee Getting Around Town Popping Bottles
25 questions / Regular -RE verbs Regular -RE verb conjugation Regular -ER verbs Regular -ER verb conjugation Regular -IR verbs
21 questions / Terms The Great Deportation Treaties/Acts Plains of Abraham Misc.
25 questions / Greetings Descriptions Adjective Agreements Opinion phrases PersonalitĂ© with ĂȘtre
25 questions / correct the mistake translate to english translate to french ask a question random
25 questions / Interface Vessel Data Card Wildcard Activity Data
30 questions / Aller/FP -ir verbs Irregular -ir verbs Partitives + Prep. Boire/Prendre ect. Faire
21 questions / Subjonctif Passé Composé vs Imparfait Comparatifs Pronoms relatifs Culture
25 questions / correct the mistake translate to english translate to french ask a question random
40 questions / je tu il elle nous vous ils elles
25 questions / Consonant Adverb Vowel Adverbs ant Adverbs ent Adverbs Irregulars
25 questions / Venir/PR Devoir/Vouloir/Pouvoir Comp./Super D.O.Ps Reflexive verbs 1 similar game
25 questions / Comparative Superlative Passé Composé Irregular Verbs Vocab
25 questions / Pronouns -ER verb endings -ER verb conjugations Negative Pronom/L'infinitif/Le radical
25 questions / Vocabulary Il y a Continuous or Not Imperative Miscellanea
20 questions / Basic Questions Nos choses préférés La famille MIX
20 questions / Matériel scolaire Verbes de l'école Matériel scolaire 2/2 Verbes de l'école 2/2
15 questions / Basic Facts of F & I Put in Order 1 to 6 Name that event!
25 questions / People Places Events Affects Potpourri
40 questions / French and Indian War The War Expands Colonists speak out Committees of Correspondence Boston Massacre Disagreement Road to War Declaring Independence
25 questions / MISC Enlightenment Thinkers Enlightenment More Misc Enlightenment Vocabulary
25 questions / American Revolution Off with their Heads In My Napoleon Era Industry Silly Time :)
25 questions / Pre-1789 Liberal Phase Radical Phase Rise and Reforms Wars and Fall