20 questions / Where in the World... Religions, Holidays, and Traditions Hello! Foreign Food
25 questions / Countries Cities Languages Geography Random
25 questions / French & Indian War Acts & Taxes Colonial Protests Important Events Key People & Terms
25 questions / Industrial Revolution French Revolution Haitian/Latin Revolution American Revolution Industrial Revolution Inventors
15 questions / Find the mistakes Fill in the gap Fill in 2 gaps
25 questions / Geo-Pourri French Slang & Phrases Pop Music Layers Let's Talk About Cake1
15 questions / Vocabulary Government American Revolution
24 questions / Grammar Skills Vocabulary Strategies Mystery
25 questions / movie quotes with french verbs citations de films avec des verbes français French accent definitions définitions de l'accent français fill in the blanks with french pronunciations remplissez les blancs avec les pronociations françiases animal names noms d'animaux Christmas Objects Objets de Noël
25 questions / British/French Tension Native Americans Video: "The War That Made America" Proclamation of 1763 British/American Tension
30 questions / People Battles Past Info Vocabulary Miscellaneous ch. 1-4 Women of the Revolutionary War
25 questions / Indigenous Impacts New France Society Trade and Economy The Fur Trade British Colonies
25 questions / Who am I? What am I? When am I? Where am I? Cause and Effect
50 questions / French & Indian War Pre-Rev #1 Pre-Rev #2 Revolutionary War #1 Revolutionary War#2
25 questions / French and Indian War Taxes The Revolutionary War The Declaration of Independence Miscellaneous
25 questions / French and Indian War Colonial Resistance Road To War Declaring Independence Other
25 questions / IT Music and Film History and Geography English and French General Knowlage
25 questions / Colonial Economy French and Indian War Road to Independence Enlightenment Influential Documents
30 questions / Monarchy and Europe The Conquistadors Mercantilism & Trade French & Dutch Explorers English Colonization
20 questions / Translate into English Correct the mistake Make it feminine Translate into French
16 questions / weather in French les nombres les couleurs les jours de la semaine
25 questions / Songs More Songs French Colours What's beside me? Things you should know
25 questions / Exploration Technology Portuguese Pioneers Spanish Conquest French & English Explorers The Slave Trade
9 questions / Personal Life Writing Career WWI Service
25 questions / Political Systems Pre-Revolution Revolutionary War French & Indian War Historical Thinking Skills
25 questions / Absolute Monarchs Enlightenment The American Revolution The French Revolution Latin American Revolutions
25 questions / Exploration The 13 colonies French and Indian War Revolution Confirmation and Constituion
25 questions / les sons les adjectif possessif quel(s) quelle(s) determinants vocabulaire
25 questions / Causes of the American Revolution Causes of the American Revolution 2 Causes of the American Revolution 3 Vocab Causes of the American Revolution 4
25 questions / History Government Famous People Landmarks Gabonese Cuisine
25 questions / Western Europe Eastern Europe Economy Ideology/Theology Fun Facts
25 questions / Geography Early Settlement New France Indigenous Groups Miscellaneous
25 questions / Revolutionary War Revolutionary War 2 Revolutionary War 3 Revolutionary War 4 Revolutionary War 5
25 questions / Colonies Begin 7 Years War British Acts 1st Congress Random
29 questions / Section 1 Also Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Also Section 3 Section 4 Also Section 4
25 questions / Leaders Governments Leaders Pt. 2 War Starts Misc.
30 questions / People Places Things Events Miscues Etcetera
25 questions / World Religions Renaissance Protestant Reformation and Enlightenment Revolutions Misc
25 questions / Category 6 Category 7 Category 8 Category 9 Category 10
20 questions / Record Setters Historic Hounds WTA ATP
25 questions / 100 year war 100 year war 1300's Renaissance Protestant
25 questions / American Revolution The Enlightenment and the IR The 13 Colonies The French Revolution Bonus (Christmas Questions)
16 questions / Key Terms and Concepts Famous Absolutist Rulers Absolutism and Its Impact European History Events
25 questions / The Enlightenment The American Revolution The French Revolution The Haitian Revolution The Latin American Revolutions
25 questions / Imperialism Key Terms Explorers Indigenous Peoples Women New France Government