30 questions / Simple Present + Simple Present - Simple Present ? Simple Present (+) Simple Present (-) Simple Present (?)
20 questions / Vocab 1 Vocab 2 People of the War Places of the War
25 questions / French and Indian War Taxation without Representation Prelude to Revolution Vocab Declaration of Independence
25 questions / Which word(s) mean(s) to look...? Vocabulary Choose the best options to complete the sentences Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentences. Answer with 1 adjective from the list
25 questions / Key Events Taxes and Acts Famous Figures Battles and Conflicts Cause and Effect
24 questions / Enlightenment French Revolution Haitian Revolution Latin American Revolutions Important Facts and Figures
20 questions / People Acts Battles/Events Misc.
10 questions / Vocabulary Causes and the American Revolution
25 questions / People Vocabulary Revolutionary France Napoleon's Empire Miscellaneous
25 questions / Significant Battles of the American Revolution (SSUSH4d) The Roles (SSUSH4e) Salutary Neglect (SSUSH2c) The French and Indian War (SSUSH3a) RANDOMS
25 questions / Life First Voyage Second Voyage Third Voyage Return to France
25 questions / Absolute Monarchs The Enlightenment The American Revolution The French Revolution Latin American Revolutions
20 questions / Multiple Choice I Make sentence Find Mistake I Find Mistake II
25 questions / Webster's Dictionary Government of the People Kung Fu Fighting Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? Actions & Consequences
25 questions / Adjective agreement 1 Adjective Agreement 2 Aller Faire Vocabulaire
25 questions / The English Civil Wars The French Revolution The Glorious Revolution The House of Stuart Louis, Louis
25 questions / Late Middle Ages Renaissance Protestant Reformation/Religious Wars Scientific Revolution Absolutism and Constitutionalism
25 questions / Random Stuff Places Countries by People People Class of 2026
25 questions / Présente Ma Famille Nombres, Nombres, Nombres Quelle pièce? C'est quel pays? Salut et Salut
25 questions / The Red Corner The Blue Corner FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! We Were Here First The Middle Ground
25 questions / Causes of the Revolution Key Events Important Figures Battles and Strategies Consequences of the Revolution
25 questions / Landmarks Cuisine History Art & Literature Language and Phrases
30 questions / The British Acts 1 The British Acts 2 Miscellaneous 1 Miscellaneous 2 Vocabulary Miscellaneous 3 1 similar game
15 questions / Appearance Personality Present Simple VS Present Continuous
25 questions / Boston Events Proclamation of 1763 Acts French and Indian War/Pontiac's War Lexington and Concord/First Continental Congress
25 questions / Numbers Greetings Colours Phrases Days of the week
25 questions / Movies Let's Celebrate France Strange state laws Fun Facts
16 questions / Languages Countries Explorers Explorers Contd
20 questions / People Causes Government Random
25 questions / Revolutionary War Revolutionary War 2 Revolutionary War 3 Revolutionary War 4 Revolutionary War 5
25 questions / Education Trade Capital Anonymous Miscellaneous
20 questions / Where in the World... Religions, Holidays, and Traditions Hello! Foreign Food