25 questions / The Old Regime Key Events of the Revolution All About Napoleon Random Random
20 questions / Verb meanings Regular endings Conjugation Translation
25 questions / Key Figures The Estates The Reign of Terror Napoleon's Rise Napoleon's Fall
25 questions / The Estate system Key Events Key Figures Documents and Reforms The Reign of Terror
25 questions / poisson cochon d'Inde oiseau cheval lapin
15 questions / Vocabulaire Descriptive Adjectives Possessive Adjectives
20 questions / Morning Afternoon Evening Random numbers
25 questions / Verbes Clés (Être, Avoir, Aller, Faire) Aimer Manger Parler Porter
20 questions / Marxism and the FR Economic + Political Implications Key moments Social Implications
25 questions / Conjugation verbes Remplir le vide (fill in the blank) Réécrire la phrase en utilisant COD Réécrire la phrase en utilisant COD
30 questions / Les Fêtes COD/COI Le Présent Le Passé Composé Les Préparations Les Adjectifs
25 questions / avoir vs etre verb conjugations reflexives adj. & this PC
24 questions / Conjugating verbs Vocabulary L'influence des medias Spelling Adjective Phrase Passe Compose
25 questions / C'est vs Il/elle est Avoir vs Etre Er Verbs Plural Random
25 questions / Vocabulary Early Days / Rise Reforms DOWNFALL Meeting of the Minds
25 questions / Nouns I should Know (People, Place, or Thing) Things I need to know More things to study Things that will be on the test Things I Should have Studied
26 questions / The Enlightenment in Europe The Enlightenment in Europe and Africa The Enlightenment in Asia The American Revolution The French Revolution The Napoleonic Wars
25 questions / People People & Vocab. Vocabulary Places The Fur Trade
25 questions / Vocab Thirty Years War Part 2 Miscellaneous More Important People More Events
25 questions / T4L1 - Intro to American Revolution T4L2 - Rivalry in North America Rivalry in N. America CONTINUED T4L3 - No Taxation Without Representation No Taxation Without Representation CONTINUED
25 questions / Decimal Operations 1 Decimal Operations 2 Decimals Operations 3 Decimal Operations 4 Decimal Operations 5 1 similar game
25 questions / Ballet terminology human body songs movies states of the U.S.
25 questions / History 1 The Bill of Rights Literature Trick Questions Ireland
16 questions / War of 1812 Expansion Foreign Relations Extras
25 questions / Geography History Government Economy Fun Facts!
25 questions / Physical Features Cities Food History Famous Peopl
25 questions / French and Indian War The British Acts The Boston Massacre Declaration of Independence The Revolutionary War
25 questions / Acts Battles and Wars Patriots British Wild
25 questions / Cteen UWS New York Jewish places Kosher Random Our Moms and Dads of Old
25 questions / Industrial Revolution World War I Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment American, French and Haitian Revolutions Everything else
25 questions / The 6 Laws/Acts of British Control on Colonies Boston Massacre The 13 Colonies The French and Indian War Major Events
25 questions / Ile de la Cité Museums More museums Places to visit Churches and graveyards
25 questions / greek mythology geography Books Random movies
22 questions / Explorers Even more explorers Some vocab and Christopher Columbus The 3________ Tricks
20 questions / World Music/Movies International Cuisine Sports
25 questions / Sweet Treats Movies Characters Finish the lyrics Random
25 questions / Early Life And All About His Significance Voyages And Explorations Legacies left behind Misc.
25 questions / South America geography South America Geography Culture Of South America Facts Misc.
25 questions / Imperialism Key Terms Explorers Indigenous Peoples Women New France Government
15 questions / Nationalities Languages Countries 1 similar game