25 questions / Music Movies & TV Shows Food Politics & Geography Random
25 questions / Name that Date Name that Patriot Weapons TAXES! The Shot Heard Around the World
20 questions / Category A Category B Category C Category D
25 questions / Vocabulary Laws and Acts Laws and Acts Miscellaneous Vocabulary 2
25 questions / Sports Food School objects School subjects Animals
25 questions / Canada Geography Canada Culture Canadian History Canada Facts Canada Wildlife
25 questions / Background Lingua Franca Creole Multilingualism Prospect of a Global Language
25 questions / Vocabulary Adverbs of Frequency/ Comparatives & Superlatives Countable/Uncountable Modal verbs Verb to be/to have in the past simple Remix
24 questions / Causes of WWII Rise of Hitler The War Spreads Surprises Leaders/ Governments
25 questions / Foreign languages Guess the country TV shows/Movies What Year? General Knowledge
25 questions / History Food & Drinks Riddle Me This Something Green Landmarks
25 questions / Absolutism in France Surprise Absolutism in Prussia Absolutism in Russia Balance of Power
25 questions / Etymology Definition Parts of Speech Modals Conditionals (Double to Name Conditional)
25 questions / Exploration Settlements Regions Slavery Random
25 questions / Athletics Arts Academic Food Student life
25 questions / Vocabulary Vocabulary Grammar Grammar Grammar
25 questions / International Cuisine Entertainment Global Science Technology
25 questions / 100 yrs war Black Death and one question about Joan Joan Review Dates
25 questions / Colonial America Founding Fathers Events leading to Independence American Revolution Gov't Influences
30 questions / Weather Food Verb Tense Grammar Mistakes Correct Order Clock (time)
25 questions / Emma Lou Mad Dog Loryn Grace Em Cope Kobe Cav
25 questions / Medieval Events People of the Middle Ages Economic and Social Systems Wars & Conflicts Medieval Literature and Learning
25 questions / Food TV/Movies Animals School Miscellaneous
25 questions / Asia and Africa in the 1800s Revolutions (Haiti, the USA, France, Latin America) Industrial Revolution German and Italian Unification People of the 1800s
25 questions / Colonies Slave Trade Trade Routes Economy Misc.
25 questions / Activities Numbers English to ASL ASL Sentences Random
25 questions / Geography Capitals General Knowledge Celebrities Music
25 questions / Battles of Lexington & Concord Battle of Bunker Hill Battle of Trenton Benedict Arnold Treaty of Paris
25 questions / Absolutism Trade Exploration Vocabulary Enlightenment thinkers
20 questions / Comparative Superlative Use one word in each gap Communication
25 questions / the Early Years The Bride The Couple Guess that Guest STD...bummer
21 questions / Instrument Knowledge Music Knowledge Band Mr. Underwood is Mean FINAL JEOPARDY
25 questions / Who said that? Battles Taxes Important Documents Wild Card
25 questions / Parties Presidents War conflict Branches of Gov. RANDOM
25 questions / Olympics Rivers British Rock Impressionism Mountains
25 questions / Nombres Conjugaison en -er L'article Être & Avoir - Conjugaison Phrases
25 questions / Les cours Etre Petits Mots Vocabulaire de l'ecole Agreeing and disagreeing
25 questions / les genres du film l'information les expressions le mots interrogatifs le collations et les boissons
9 questions / Definitions Guess the Example part 1 Guess the example part 2