25 questions / History Geography Language Pop culture Food
25 questions / Regular ER Regular RE Regular IR Reflexive Irregular
25 questions / Vocabulary People Places War Land and Money
25 questions / La Langue Français (The French Language) L'Histoire (History) La Culture (Culture) Les Fêtes (Holidays) La Geographie (Geography)
25 questions / La rentrée Le calendrier scolaire Les matières Les activités et les moments de la journée Les ressources dans mon école
25 questions / French Greetings Numbers & Colors Months, Days, & Seasons Weather Random
25 questions / Causes Review Time! People The War Could be Anything!
25 questions / N & S America Europe Africa Asia & S.Pacific General Knowledge
25 questions / Days of the Week Months of the Year Name that date! Which season? Random
25 questions / Autumn Vocabulary Verbs in Context Definitions Fill in the Blank/Sentence understanding Picture Identification
25 questions / Regular ER Regular RE Regular IR Reflexive Irregular
25 questions / Les salutations Je me presente Les questions Les adjectives Surpris!
25 questions / History People Geography Food Famous Sites
20 questions / Plot Structure Literary Terms Seventh Grade Seventh Grade
25 questions / The Church Dates Events People Napoleon
25 questions / Rise of Napoleon and the French Consulate French Empire Continental System Peninsular War and Russian Invasion Sixth and Seventh Coalitions
66 questions / History Architecture Sport Geography Art Literature Food Quotes & Sayings Film Music America?
20 questions / Les Verbes Qu’est ce que tu aimes faire? Qui etes vous? Tu joues souvent?
20 questions / Les mois Les jours de la semaine Les numéros (4) Les numéros (5)
9 questions / Law Territory Economy
25 questions / Pronouns Les Nationalités Ça va? Spelling Accepting/Declining
25 questions / Pre-Columbian/Age of Exploration Spanish Colonization Others and English French and Indian War Escalation to Revolution
20 questions / Famous Figures/Documents Geography Vocabulary Random
25 questions / Les Phrases Random! La culture La Nourriture Les questions en FRANÇAIS!
20 questions / Conjugations Phrases With Avoir Phrases With Etre Negation
25 questions / Terms People French & Indian War Enlightenment/Great Awakening Miscellaneous
20 questions / The Black Death The Hundred Years' War Historical Figures Cutltural Impact
25 questions / Causes Society Vocabulary General Ideology
25 questions / lettres nombres indefinite articles vocab commands
25 questions / Gen Alpha slang Elements Soccer Movie Quotes French words
25 questions / French Revolution The Enlightenment Latin American Revolutions Napoleon Random
25 questions / American Revolution Amendments Enlightenment Ideas French Revolution Scientific Revolution
25 questions / Drapeau - Flag Histoire - History Histoire - History Culture Club Français - French Club
25 questions / Haiti's Historical Figures Color and Class Castes Slavery in Haiti Colonial Settlements and Codes Revolts and Revolution
25 questions / Find the Imposter How do you say... Translate This Sentence Name This Colour Name this Animal 1 similar game
25 questions / Ole Washington French and Indian War Steps to revolution Vocab Taxes
25 questions / ÊTRE ou AVOIR Les Pays et les transports La Francophonie Les logements Les activités
20 questions / Characters/People.. or Creatures? Geography Food Movies/TV
25 questions / Spanish Exploration French Exploration English Exploration Dutch Exploration Miscellaneous
25 questions / Jamestown Vocabulary French and Indian War Essay writing Potpourri
25 questions / 3 Regions French and Indian War Revolution Vocab Miscellaneous
20 questions / La météo La famille Les parties du corps Les loisirs
25 questions / Country Names Nationalities Capitals Celebrations Symbols/Animals