25 questions / Name and age Your birthday Where you're from/Where you live Numbers and alphabet Parler
25 questions / days of the week basic expressions greetings months of the year misc.
25 questions / Beauty and the Beast Chapter 1 Vocab Chapter 1 Grammar Chapter 2 Vocab French I
25 questions / Numéros Être ou Avoir Les Pronoms Mots Ami ou Familier Traductions
25 questions / Greetings être/avoir/-ER Verbs Time/Days of the week Potpourri Numbers
25 questions / Family Vocab Parts of Speech Numbers Greetings Grammar Stuffs
25 questions / Histoire Musique Sport Pop culture Nourriture
20 questions / About me Numbers Family School
25 questions / Causes Who What When Where 1 similar game
25 questions / Francophone Sports Art Politics Fun facts
25 questions / French Revolution American Revolution Documents/Terms This & That People
25 questions / Greetings Grab bag Goodbye Politeness I'm feelin'
25 questions / People Vocab Spanish empire English empire French empire
25 questions / Conquistadors French Explorers Before Discovery New World (Blank)
12 questions / Who/What ? Where/When? Impacts Context
25 questions / Les verbes au présent Les membres de famille Les vêtements Phrases simple Les fruits et légumes
25 questions / You Say You Want A Revolution Causes Impact Who Am I? Potpourri
25 questions / French Culture Adjectives Foods Verbs Clothing and Animals
25 questions / Enlightenment American Revolution French Revolution Haitian Revolution Miscellaneous
25 questions / Voorheesville Enlightenment French Revolution Random 1 Random 2
25 questions / Enlightenmentw French Revolution Protestantism Church Fathers Councils & Creed
25 questions / Vocab Missions & Presidios Spanish Explorers French Conflict Random
6 questions / Les directions Les prépositions Les verbes
25 questions / French and Indian War People Acts Events Miscellaneous
25 questions / Les verbes en -er Les verbes en -ir Les verbes irréguliers Les verbes pronominaux L'heure
25 questions / Acts Resistance French and Indian War Vocabulary Random
25 questions / Introduction Ordering Serving Serving english to French Pleasantries
12 questions / American Revolution French Revolution Mexican Revolution Random Facts
25 questions / Emily Brontë Amy Johnson James Cook William Wilberforce Vocabulary
20 questions / Causes Stuff People The War Ends
25 questions / Greetings Classroom vocabulary être/avoir/-ER Verbs Les questions Potpourri
25 questions / Important people Major Events Places Important Dates Causes
25 questions / History Geography Language Pop culture Food
25 questions / Regular ER Regular RE Regular IR Reflexive Irregular
25 questions / Vocabulary People Places War Land and Money
25 questions / La Langue Français (The French Language) L'Histoire (History) La Culture (Culture) Les Fêtes (Holidays) La Geographie (Geography)
25 questions / La rentrée Le calendrier scolaire Les matières Les activités et les moments de la journée Les ressources dans mon école
25 questions / Causes Review Time! People The War Could be Anything!