25 questions / 3 Estates Quotes+ Reign of Terror Napoleon Bonaparte Romanticism+
25 questions / Mixed Bag Culture Geography Notable People Le monde francophone
25 questions / Math Equations Definitions Responding Food English to french
25 questions / Activités en français activités en anglais ER Verbs ER verbs 2 Traduction (translate)
25 questions / Le dessert La viande Serveur(se) et client(e) Le petit déjeuner Les en cas
25 questions / Greetings Fr - En Greetings En - Fr French culture Numbers Colors!
25 questions / Enlightenment Causes Moderate Phase Moderate/Radical Phase Radical Phase/Execution
25 questions / Indefinite Articles Definite Articles Quel adjectives et quel verbes Etre (to be) Random...
25 questions / Mammals Sea Animals Wild Animals Pets (eng>fren) Barn Animals (eng>fren)
25 questions / Greetings Etre verb ER verbs Culture School vocab
25 questions / greetings etre verb er verb culture school vocab
25 questions / Subject Pronouns French to English Greetings AVOIR Weather Phrases
25 questions / La nourriture Les verbes ER Les phrases Les objets Les verbes ER (Partie 2)
25 questions / About me Where I live My brothers My mum My dad
25 questions / Adjectives ER Verbs Greetings School Vocab Numbers
25 questions / demographics and geographical info Political and Economical Historical and lifestyle Fun Facts cuisine
25 questions / Greetings Nouns Articles Nouns and articles Numbers
20 questions / Passe Compose/Imparfait Back to school The Futur Simple Friendship
25 questions / Les Animales Couleurs Mon préféré choses Professeurs du Hodgson Etre et Avior
25 questions / Rooms in the House and Furniture Countries and Continents Regular ER Verbs in the Present Tense French Artists French Inventors
25 questions / Numbers Vocab 1b Etre Subject pronouns Adjectives
25 questions / Greetings Farewells Numbers 1-30 Alphabet French Speaking Countries
25 questions / Geographie Les Sports Le Corps Humaine Les Films L'Espace
25 questions / Foundations of the Revolution Key Events Important Figures Causes of the Revolution Outcomes and Legacy
25 questions / Greetings Etre Verbs ER Verbs Culture School Vocab
16 questions / Les Adverbes Les Années en Francais Les Adverbes 2 Avoir-Present Tense
25 questions / ER Verbs Adjectives Possessive Adjectives Family Vocab Avoir/Etre
25 questions / Pronouns Bingo Words ER verb endings Articles ER verb translation
25 questions / French Revolution Basics Key Figures Napoleon and His Empire The Reign of Terror Congress of Vienna
25 questions / Les Phrases Vocabulaire de Noel 1 Vocabulaire de Noel - 2 Vocabulaire de Noel - 3 Vocabulaire de Noel-4
25 questions / Body parts Les vêtements Les Sports La famille La maison
20 questions / Greetings 1 Greetings 2 Greetings 3 Greetings 4
25 questions / Les saisons Les jours Les mois Les couleurs Les nombres
25 questions / Food and Drink Translate phrases with Avoir and Être Plurals in French Verbs Fun French Facts
25 questions / Petit Dejeuner American Petit Dejeuner Francais Les Boissons Vouloir Le Couvert
20 questions / good weather in French good weather in English bad weather in French bad weather in English