24 questions / Head EAST Central Way Out WEST LARGEish San Antonio Rose
25 questions / Percentages & Ratios Algebra Straight Lines Graphs Transformations & Similarity Statistics & Networks
25 questions / Riddles Proverbs History and Georgraphy Literature Maths
25 questions / Number Basics Mixed Bag Fractions Decimals Geometry
8 questions / Division/ Multiplication Adding/subtracting GENERAL MATH QUIZ
25 questions / Probability Index Laws Consumer Arithmatic Scientific Notation Algebraic Fractions
25 questions / General Knowledge Index Laws Algebra Indices Wages and Salaries
25 questions / Les fournitures scolaires -GER verbs -CER verbs Les matières Les couleurs
25 questions / Les Nombres Les Phrases Le Vocabulaire La Culture La Grammaire
25 questions / verbs ending in -er le verbe avoir le verbe etre le verbe aller le verbe faire
25 questions / The adverb in the right place 1 The adverb in the right place 2 The adjective in the right place 1 The adjective in the right place 2 Extra
25 questions / le, la, l' ou les être vocabulaire les matières Conversation
25 questions / Food / Drink Weather Classes Classroom Expressions & Objects How much?
25 questions / Sculpture Styles of Art Parts of a River Name That River Minor Maths
25 questions / charecters plot plot 2 charecters 2 school
25 questions / Les Verbes La Famille Miscelleneous L'école Culture
25 questions / Vocabulaire: Les Parties du Corps Vocabulaire: Je ne me sens pas bien Subjunctif: Pratique Subjunctif vs. Infinitif Subjonctif ou Indicatif?
20 questions / les matières scolaires les verbes en ER Les verbes en ER Les matières scolaires
25 questions / SUIVRE Nobody or Nothing ONLY (Ne...que) Places in a school Things to do in a school
25 questions / Weather Subjects in school Free Time Town Jobs
25 questions / la famille! la nourriture! Mlle Lozancic les maths ?!?!
21 questions / Music World Events Michael then and now Name the Year Trivia
25 questions / Vocabulaire 1 verbes en -re Vocabulaire 2 Adjectifs qui remplacent des noms Quelle est la question/commentaire?
25 questions / Numbers to 1000 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
25 questions / Le présent Le passé composé Le pronom d'objet direct Les articles Les adjectifs
25 questions / Present Tenses Passive Voice Past Tenses Sentence Transformation Sentence Completion
25 questions / Music Maths and Literacy Inquiry News and Politics General
25 questions / Maths Human Body Sports Animals History
25 questions / Patterns Multiplication and Division Addition Subtraction Word Problems
25 questions / School Subjects Days of the Week Dates Telling Time School in France
25 questions / Francophone Cities Geography Numbers Culture 'en français'
25 questions / Algebra Number Shapes Entertainment News
15 questions / Conjugations Translations Making Sentences
25 questions / People Animals Things Directions Telling a story.