25 questions / Calcio Nuoto Pallavolo Pallanuoto Hockey 1 similar game
25 questions / Vocabulary Equipment Sports and Countries General Knowledge Guess the Sport 2 similar games
25 questions / Fodbold Fodbold Blandet sport Hvem er jeg? Blandet sport
25 questions / Team sports Winter sports Extreme Soprts Mind sports Traditional&National sports
25 questions / Fluid Replacement Motor Learning Skill Classification Types of Feedback/ Practice Sports Psychology
20 questions / Eestlased taliolümpial Kergejõustik Maailmameistrid Pallimängud
25 questions / Dansk sport Dansk kultur Fodbold engelsk kultur udlandsk fodbold
25 questions / General Anatomy Physiology Training Basics Workout Planning
25 questions / Hall of Fame Awards Movies Retired #'s Coaches
25 questions / Inactivity Crisis Physical Literacy History of Sport "Modern" Sport Influential Athletes
25 questions / Impact of Youth Sports Hey! I know that athlete! What sport IS this?! This girl is on fire What IS this category?!
25 questions / Early history Romans Eras in History Eras in History Random
25 questions / fodbold tennis badminton basketball cykling