35 questions / 1) colors 2) days 3) Irregular Verbs 4) Animals 5) Family 6) Irregular Verbs 7) Food
25 questions / ER Verbs IR Verbs RE Verbs Big 4 Irregular Verbs Other Irregular Verbs
32 questions / Round 1 (easy) Round 2 (medium) Round 3 (difficult) Round 4 (very difficult)
25 questions / El Futuro Los Stem-Changers El Preterito Irregulares Mixto
30 questions / Vocabulary Present Perfect Irregular Verbs Present Perfect Questions General Trivia Carnival Video
25 questions / Vocabulario Gustar y otros verbos Direct object pronouns Indirect object pronouns Reflexive verbs
25 questions / Basic Difficulty Medium Difficulty More Difficult Advanced Super Advanced
25 questions / Kurzgeschichten Sonne und Beton Materialgestütztes Argumentieren Utopien Überraschung
25 questions / Weak or Strong? Present Perfect Past Tense Health and Wellness Grammar Review
25 questions / 9WA Lore PS & Ms. W Ingarihi (ENG) Parihaka Mai Anything Goes!
25 questions / PC w/avoir translations english-french Irregular verbs with avoir Letters Participe Passe
25 questions / Middle School Science Middle School History Middle School English Middle School Math Random
20 questions / Idioms Grammar Challenge Missing word Fun Stuff
20 questions / Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of speech Parts of Speech
25 questions / Math Science English Social Studies/History Random
25 questions / Noun Verb Adjective Aphrodite Zeus
20 questions / YOU KNOW THIS Tip of Your Tongue Struggle Bus I sometimes wonder how I'm passing this class
20 questions / Theory Prepositional phrases Direct Object Indirect Object
10 questions / Crime and punishment Social problems
25 questions / Parts Of Speech Math Science History SUPER DUPER HARD
25 questions / Cui Nomen Est...? Translate the Sentence The Dreaded Grammar Category Quaestiones in Latine ...and Culture
25 questions / Macbeth literary devices Macbeth 20,000 leagues under the sea Dress ups
16 questions / Writing Skills Words and Phrases Error Correction Anything
20 questions / Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 5
25 questions / Food Fashion Literature/Language Miscellaneous Fun Facts:)
25 questions / Grammar Old Testament Catholic Church Grammar Vocabulary
25 questions / English 1 English 2 English 3 English 4 English 5
25 questions / Format Proofreading Correct or Incorrect General Say What?
25 questions / Wordy Birdy Dressed to the Nines Open a Can of Worms Come on! Build Me Up Buttercup
25 questions / Food and Beverage House Body parts Classroom Extra points
20 questions / Workplace culture Employee Retention Phrasal verbs Name three
18 questions / 3.1 & 3.2 3.3 & 3.4 3.5 & 3.6 3.7 & 3.8
25 questions / Parts of Speech Miscellaneous Parts of Speech Examples Conjunctions Verb Tenses
25 questions / Week 1 Tue Week 1 Tue Week 1 Wed Week 1 Wed Week 2 Mon
20 questions / Brazil Cabo Verde Brazil 2 Portuguese review
25 questions / Modal Verbs Modal Perfects Noun Formation (Suffixes) Correct the Sentence Mixed Bag
25 questions / Les bases Les verbes Le café La ville Passé Composé
25 questions / Bible Literature Grammar Football Science
25 questions / verbos (-AR) Translations Pronouns/Pronombres verbos (-ER & -IR) Conjugations
25 questions / jobs classroom objects clothing the time grammar
25 questions / will/going to So/such/such an/ such a Another/the other/the others/others Adj./ adv. Reported Speech
25 questions / Prefixes Find the... Suffixes Prefix/Suffix Meanings Mystery Level: HARD