15 questions / Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs DrMrsVandertrampp
25 questions / Present simple Present continuous Present simple vs. Present continuous Adverbs of frequency Pronouns
24 questions / Action Verbs Linking Verbs Helping Verbs Verb Phrases/What are they? Root Words #3
25 questions / Conjugate I Conjugate II Make a sentence Traducir Facts about Reflexive Verbs
25 questions / The Basics Deletrearla en el subjuntivo Impersonal Expressions ¿Cómo de dice...? Doubt or Certainty Indicativo o subjuntivo
24 questions / Verbos de la canción CAR, GAR, ZAR leer y caer ser/ir misc.
25 questions / -er verbs -ir verbs -re verbs Irr. Verbs on Posters Irr. Verbs this chapter
25 questions / English Tenses Pronouns Articles Verbs Do vs Make
25 questions / Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Nouns Preposition
25 questions / Affirmatives Negatives Questions Yes/No or WH To Be Was/Were ED Pronunciation Right or Wrong
20 questions / 4.1 & 4.2 4.3 & 4.4 4.5 & 4.6 4.7 & 4.8
25 questions / Verbs Verbs Again Nouns Grammar Basics Dictionary Usage
21 questions / Introducciones y Gramática Los Verbos Stem-Changers Los Verbos Regulares SER y ESTAR Un Poco de Todo para TODOS
25 questions / Let's noun it up! "I'm like a verb, and I can fly away" You complete me. Wacky and Wonky! Who said this?
25 questions / La ropa Materiales Escolares Conjugation La casa La escuela
25 questions / ER Verbs IR verbs Avoir & Etre OIR verbs More verbs!!
34 questions / Definición Conjugaciones Sujeto Letras ¿Cómo se dice? Frases Final Jeopardy
25 questions / Verbs with spelling changes in Preterite Stem changing Verbs Irregular Verbs More Irregulars Sorpresa
25 questions / Fix the Sentence (capitalization and punctuation) Spelling Rules Singular and Plural Nouns Common and Proper Nouns Verbs
25 questions / Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Nouns Grab Bag
12 questions / Vocabulary 5-6 Grammar 5-6 Irregular verbs
25 questions / Listening Business Letters Writing Process Cultural Diversity Non-Verbal Communication
25 questions / Nouns Pronouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
25 questions / ER Verbs Courses Translate Subject Pronouns Sentences
25 questions / It's a Thing Nouns I don't know her. Pronouns Go, Jane go! Interjections It's catchy Adjectives Absolutely Positively Adverbs
25 questions / U STEMS I STEMS J STEMS Mix it up Questions
25 questions / Wacky Irregulars Car/Gar/Zar definitions I to Y miscellaneous
25 questions / Transitive or Intransitive Finish the sentence Verb or Noun RANDOM What type of verb is this? 1 similar game
25 questions / Er Verbs Ir Verbs Verb Questions culture AR verbs