22 questions / verbs adjectives bubble tea!! astronomy order of events
20 questions / Irregular Group1 Irregular Group2 Irregular Group3 Regular Verbs Regular Verbs
25 questions / proper nouns singular nouns plural nouns verbs adjectives
25 questions / Vocabulary Grammar Phrasal Verbs Idioms & Expressions Mystery Category
25 questions / Carreras In the job Activities Las Qualidades Verbs
25 questions / Past Tenses Perfect Tenses Modal Verbs Nouns Prepositions
25 questions / nouns & pronouns verbs Verbals Adjectives & adverbs Punctuation & mechanics 1 similar game
25 questions / Adjetivos Sentence Structure Comparaciones Yo-go Verbs MISC
25 questions / Verbs/Nouns Pronouns/Adj. & Adv. Mythology Geography History
16 questions / Characters Places Verbs Three Little Pigs: Pig's Story
25 questions / "Dystopias" Spanish Verbs math graphs SpongeBob Squarepants Riddles
25 questions / Comida Vocabulario Emociones Oppositas Pretérito
25 questions / Regular Preterite Verbs Irregulars presente progresivo La Ropa Saber vs conocer
25 questions / ??? ARE verbs CHE ORE SONO? Aggettivi ESSERE
20 questions / Verbs ending in CER Acheter Misc Verbs ending in GER
25 questions / Article Rules Gerunds and Infinitives Present Perfect Simple/Continuous Informal Expressions Canadian Culture and Slang
25 questions / Quantifiers Degrees of comparison Future forms Gerund vs Infinitive Past Simple vs Present Perfect
15 questions / Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Mr. Morey Trivia!
25 questions / Cosas en un baño Conjugating reflexive verbs Present to past tense Vocab from 2A2 More complex sentences with reflexive verbs
25 questions / Preguntas Conjugaciones Me gusta/Me encanta Vocabulario Pupurrí
35 questions / Le nazoni Le nazioni Le nazioni Past tense - Regular ERE Verbs Past tense - Irregular ERE Verbs Conoscere o Sapere Conoscere o sapere
25 questions / First Conditional to infinitive or -ing? Vocabulary Idioms Random
25 questions / Punctuation Contractions/Spelling Homophones Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots Parts of Speech
25 questions / Say this number Name 5 What am I Spelling time Bonus
25 questions / Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of Speech Parts of speech Parts of Speech
30 questions / Word Endings Vocab: L --> E Vocab: E --> L Name the part of speech Translate: L-->E Translate E-->L
25 questions / English B1 English B1+ Grammar Vocabulary Names 1 similar game
25 questions / Organisation Future time markers Obligation Extreme adjectives Reaching agreement
25 questions / Correct The Sentence Select The Antonym Parts of The English Language Parts of a Sentence Vocabulary
25 questions / Punctuation Spelling easily confused words Parts of speech Capitals Adjectives
25 questions / Correct the sentences Complete Vocabulary Grammar Random
25 questions / Kurzgeschichten Konjunktiv I Balladen Friedrich Schiller Rechtschreibung
25 questions / Present Perfect + Present Perfect - Present Perfect ? Present Perfect Translate
25 questions / Wortschatz Grammatik Aussprache - Zungenbrecher Wichtige Sätze Kultur
25 questions / Alphabet & Vocabulary Sentence Types & Tenses Grammar Basics Modifiers & Prepositions Questions & Phrasal Verbs
25 questions / Concepts La Ropa Subjunctive Past Tense Irregular Reflexive
25 questions / Drugs Survival Problems of a city Past tense Grammar
25 questions / The Verb "to be" Tenses Miscellaneous Adverb Clauses Nouns