25 questions / Future tenses Past and Present tenses Expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs Vocabulary Word building
50 questions / Around the World Phrasal Verbs Vietnamese to English Sentences Grammar Skills Word Scramble
25 questions / Complete the Sentence Present --> Past Regular verbs in past Unscramble Answer the Questions
25 questions / Verbs in present continuous Random Questions Order the sentence correct/incorrect Present continuous
15 questions / Food and drinks (Phrasal verbs) Present Perfect and Past Simple Adverbs with -ly
25 questions / Irregular Verbs What is the Tense? Past tense Future Tense Past tense Spelling
25 questions / Las Profesiones ¿Cómo se dice ...? Conjugating Respond in full sentences Original reflexive verbs
25 questions / Colors and Numbers Verbs (動詞) Sentences Letters and Things Animals and Places
25 questions / Let's Move! At the mall So many activities! Sport Verbs Potpouri
25 questions / le chien le chat le zebre l'éléphant la giraffe
25 questions / Comparative Superlative Irregular Verbs Vocabulary Random!
25 questions / les contraires vocab avancé!!! food and other hardish party vocab -ir verbs PRESENT tense Passé composé de -IR verbs
25 questions / Nouns Verbs Adjectives Synonyms Antonyms
20 questions / Irregular con Yo Stem-Changing O-> UE Stem-Changing E->IE Stem-Changing E->i
25 questions / Translation Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Sentence Building Regular Verbs Sentence Building Irregular Verbs
30 questions / ELA Fifth Grade S.S. Fifth Grade Math Grammar Grandview
25 questions / UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 MISC + OTHER
20 questions / Past Perfect Gerund VS Infinitive Used to Vocabulary
20 questions / What part of speech is the made-up word? Name that part of speech! Is the word being used right? Name that fish!
25 questions / Preguntas (use of Ir, poder) IR +a + inf Jugar Vocabulario Mexcla
25 questions / Pluralization Capitalization Negation Contractions Punctuation
25 questions / CTE Month Finding Internships Networking Resume Building FBLA
20 questions / Modal Auxiliary Verb Types of Sentences Identifying Key Events Identifying Effect of an Event
25 questions / Let's define... Examples Examples 1 Using Adverbs correctly Adjectives or Adverb?
25 questions / Reading 8th Grade Writing 8th Grade Language Arts 8th Grade RANDOM 8th Grade Random
20 questions / Apostrophes Subject/ Verb Nepal Geography Nepal Religion
25 questions / Tense Comparatives/Superlatives Common Grammar Mistakes Countable/Uncountable/Quantifiers Verb patterns 2 similar games
25 questions / Word Classes Spellings Punctuation Grammar Language Features
25 questions / Literature Grammar Time Please Please Please (don't plagiarize) Deeply Rooted Success Famous Facial Fur
25 questions / Parts of Speech Synonyms & Antonyms Prefixes Contractions Word Meanings
25 questions / Wortarten Satzarten/-formen Satzglieder Zeitformen (Tempus) Konjunktiv I & II
25 questions / Adjectives Articles Adverbs Comparatives/Superlatives Special Forms of Good and Bad
25 questions / Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Pragmatics
25 questions / 244 357 477: eng to ASL I 478: eng to ASL II 488+496: voicing
25 questions / Characters Setting Plot Figurative Language Random
40 questions / Pay & Benefits Idioms Abbreviations Grammar Grammar Grammar Know Your Rights Biographies Modals Interview Questions
25 questions / Relative Clauses Defining vs. Non-Defining Relative Clauses Participles Participial Clauses Mix!
25 questions / IR ER RE Avoir/Etre Aller/Faire
25 questions / Figurative Language Sentence Types Precise Language Multi-meaning Any
25 questions / Prepositions Conjunctions Adverbs Nouns Wild
30 questions / Mission and Vision Staff Students Alphabet Soup General Trivia
30 questions / Grammar 1 Grammar 2 Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 General Knowledge 1 General knowledge 2