25 questions / Declarative Sentences Reported Speech with WH-Clauses Mental Process Verbs Vocabulary Verbs in the Past
25 questions / Let's define... Examples Examples 1 Using Adverbs correctly Adjectives or Adverb?
25 questions / Plot Elements Figurative Language Word Study Conventions Mixed Bag
36 questions / English Also English More English ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH 1 similar game
25 questions / Vocabulary Modals Modal Perfects Opinion Essays Adjective suffixes and prepositional phrases.
25 questions / Grammar Intro Paragraph Body Paragraphs Conclusion Paragraph Misc.
25 questions / Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Synonyms & Antonyms Part of Speech
25 questions / Word Formation Transformation Vocabulary Grammar Random 1 similar game
30 questions / Verbes en ER La négation Les Questions Le Vocabulaire La Traduction (ENG > FR) La Traduction (FR > ENG)
25 questions / Imparfait Passe Compose Vocab Avoir/Etre Imparfait Endings
25 questions / Communication Verbs (argue, boast, joke, gossip, complain) Communication Verbs II (criticise, whisper, shout, boast, gossip) Communication Words / Phrases Complete the sentence. Write a sentence using definitely, probably, and certainly
25 questions / Adjetivos (Singular Vocab) Adjetivos (Plural Vocab) Tiempo (Time) Numeros (Numbers) -Er/-Ar Verbs
25 questions / Regulares Irregulares Más Subjuntivo Verbos con cambios radicales (Stem Changing Verbs) Los Usos
15 questions / Past Tense of To Be Past Tense of Verbs Fill in the Blanks
25 questions / Zero Conditional 1st Conditional 2nd Conditional What's the conditional? What is the verbs 1 similar game
20 questions / Passives Reported Speech & Reporting Verbs Articles Present perfect continuous or present perfect simple
25 questions / Word formation Missing word Fill in the gaps Phrasal verbs Find a mistake
25 questions / Past Tense Irregular Verbs Vocabulary Opposites Complete the sentence with one word Trivia
25 questions / Present to past Past to present Active to passive Past participle verbs Questions
25 questions / Verbs in Action Nouns You Should Know Descriptive Words Places & Movements Money & Value
25 questions / English to Spanish Spanish to English La Escuela/translations Verbs Rooms @ School /translation
25 questions / States & Capitals Greek/ Latin Roots Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Conjunctions, Oh My! Writing SURPRISE
25 questions / Irregular verbs Prepositions Pres. Perf., Past Simple What is it? Find mistake(s)
25 questions / Vocabulary Grammar (a) little/(a) few/much/many Stones Irregular verbs General knowledge
25 questions / Il fait froid Il fait chaud Les vêtements French verbs Sports and Activities
25 questions / Vocabulary Verbs in Context Real-Life Money Situations Comparatives and Superlatives Grammar - Quantifiers
16 questions / -ar verbs -er/-ir irregular e to ie or o to ue Irregulares
50 questions / Around the World Phrasal Verbs Vietnamese to English Sentences Grammar Skills Word Scramble
25 questions / General Knowledge U1: Phrasal Verbs U1: Personality adjectives U2: Arts U2: Present Perfect
25 questions / Phrasal Verbs Appearance & Beauty Aging & Body Changes Knowledge & Decision-Making Society & Financial Terms
25 questions / Point of View/Literary Elements Verbs Grammar Author's Purpose/Author's Craft Figurative Language
20 questions / Simple Past: Irregular Verbs Is there/Are there Academic Subjects Questions too + adjective
20 questions / What conditional? 1st, 2nd and 3rd conditional Correct the Mistake Complete the verbs
25 questions / Irregular verbs Vocabulary Translate the sentence Make a question Make a negative sentence
25 questions / Vocabulary Participle clauses Idioms related to hot and cold Verbs of perception Functions.Opinio
25 questions / Prepositions Phrasal Verbs Articles: a/an, the, no article Prepositions 2 Correct/Incorrect
25 questions / Distribution channels Types of discounts Types of shops From verbs to nouns Mix
25 questions / Fill in the Blank Multiple Choice PPT Conjugate Verbs Multiple Choice PPCT Order
25 questions / Personal Information Money Nouns Money Verbs Banking Your Way What's in Your Wallet