35 questions / Spanish Colors Spanish numbers Spanish Vocabulary Spanish Grammar Spanish Verbs Spanish Sentences Spanish expressions of frequency
25 questions / Vocabulary Complete the sentences: Comparatives / Superlatives Correct the sentences: Comparatives / Superlatives too / enough Collocations / Phrasal Verbs
25 questions / Action Vs Linking Verbs Fixing Double Negatives Prepositional Phrases Predicate Adj. or Predicate Noun Sentence Pattern
20 questions / ¿A qué hora es? (español - inglés) ¿A qué hora es? (inglés - español) cosas misceláneas -AR verbs
25 questions / Shopping Vocabulary Verb Vocabulary Demonstrative Adjectives Preterite Tense Regular Verbs Conjugation -Car, -Gar, -Zar Verb Conjugation
25 questions / Verbs in present Progressive Random Questions Questions in present progressive Negative in present Progressive Present progressive
25 questions / Verb Choices in Action Trouble With Tenses Infinitives & Gerunds in Context Passive Infinitives and Gerunds Phrasal Verbs
16 questions / Grammar (грамматика) Vocabulary (словарный запас) Idioms and phrasal verbs (идиомы и фразовые глаголы) Comprehension (восприятие/понимание)
25 questions / Verbs in present continuous Random Questions Questions in present continuous Negative in present continuous Present continuous 4 similar games
20 questions / adding emphasis: cleft sentences words that are often confused word building: adjectives, nouns, and verbs miscellaneous
25 questions / Verbs in present continuous Random Questions Questions in present continuous Negative in present continuous Present continuous
25 questions / Nouns Infinitives Irregular Verbs Aeneas MLK, Jr. Trivia
25 questions / Past Simple Past Continuous Sentence transformation with Phrasal verbs Past Simple, Past Continuous, used to Vocabulary
35 questions / Spanish Colors Spanish numbers Spanish Greetings AR Verbs Translate Hazlo: Busca el error Boleto de Salida
25 questions / If vocabulary infinitives after verbs Making suggestions: could/ should/ might/ let's Present perfect vs. simple pat
25 questions / Unscramble the words Infinitive verbs Reverse the affirmation Adverbs of frequency Examples of adverbs of frequency
25 questions / La Ropa Getting Ready Verb Vocab Reflexive Verbs Los Zapatos
19 questions / Subject and Object Pronouns Pronouns and antecedent Principal Parts of Regular & Irregular Verbs Give a sentence
35 questions / Spanish Colors Spanish numbers Spanish Vocabulary Spanish Grammar Spanish Verbs Spanish Sentences Spanish expressions of frequency
25 questions / sports en français sports d'hiver Questions with "Est-ce-que" sports verbs Other sports related vocab
25 questions / Present tense reflexive, indefinite/negative words preterite verbs like gustar vocabulary
24 questions / Past simple + Past simple - Past simple ? 1 similar game
25 questions / Familia Colors and clothes IR verbs tiempo Descriptions: physical + personality
20 questions / Choose the correct alternative Correct the mistakes Rewrite the sentence Respond to the situation
15 questions / Translation Definition Complete the sentence
25 questions / Professional Growth Negotiation and Persuasion Complex Relationships Decision-making Conflict Resolution
25 questions / Phrasal Verbs Abstract Nouns Idioms Synonyms Collocations
25 questions / 3.1 Vocabulario ¿Qué llevas? El Pretérito (-AR) Pt. 1 -CAR -GAR / -ZAR El Pretérito (-AR) Pt. 2
25 questions / Regular verbs Irregular verbs Questions Signal words Find the error
25 questions / Parts of Speech Clauses and Phrases Sentence Types Word of the Day Word of the Day
25 questions / Days Numbers Verbs Contractions Months
25 questions / Présent Simple ou BE+ING Passé Simple ou BE + ING Présent, Passé, Futur? Time markers Irregular verbs
25 questions / Parts of Speech Subject v Object Irregular Verbs, Commas/Colon/Semicolon Clauses & Conjunctions Pronouns/Who vs. Whom
25 questions / What kind of volunteering? Vocabulary with prepositions Word grab 1 Word grab 2 Random (idioms/phrasal verbs)
25 questions / Irregular Past Tense Irregular Future Tense Regular Past Tense Regular Future Tense Verbs after "it/she/he"
20 questions / Translate from French to English:words Translate from English to French: words Translate French to English: Phrases Verbs
25 questions / Imperfect Personal Endings Irregular Verbs "esse" and "posse" Vocabulary Translating L to E Translating E to L
25 questions / Find the verb tense Correct sentences Write the correct verb tense Time expressions with verbs continious tenses